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LoVing sum1 is oNe thiNg...bEing LovEd by soMe1 is anoTher onE thiNg... buT beiNg lOveD bY thE pERso

About Me

iM nOt a pErfeCt guRL.. mY hAir doest aLways sTay in pLace i spiLL a loT oF thiNgs aNd im pRettY cLumsY bUt wEn i tHink aBout it, and tAkE a sTep bAck, i remember hOw aMaziNg my LiFe tRuLy is……………. aNd mAybei LYk bEiNg iMpErfEcT…i caN't be a dUmmy if i knOw dEep withinn mE im rEaL.. Yet some people may misunderstood me, dOnT reCogniZe mY eXisTence, aNd dOnt eVen boTher to tAke a siMpLe gLimPse oF my wOrTh... But tHis iS wAt i wAnt tO sAy:"What You See iZ wUt U gEt" jUdGe mE?! WeLL, it dEpeNds on wUt u sEE... bUt kNowing mE??... iT is Ur cReAtiviTy to LooK dEeper, peeL wAtever cOver U coULd sEe... coz deep witHin me is wUt maKes me HUmaN, nOt pUrFeCt,jUz da rEaL oNe

My Interests

...wAtchin moVies!! shoPPing!!! gumaLa!! HEHE! kiKaY stuffS , iNtErnEt, chAttiN, bEacH, rAgnArok, dAnciNg, cHeeR daNciNg, mGdaYdReAmiNg, m2LoG, kUmaiN, MgTeLebabaD, magCELLbabad, MAGtxt, voLLeybaLL ( iLUVvolleybaLL, hehe), boRacAy, piCtuReZ, StaRbUX [frapz.. ohh love em xoo much!], piZZa, pAstaz, haNgin awt wd mah fweNdz, ...hehehe!... fUdTriP... ^-^-=-*+* `

I'd like to meet:

kahit cnU... ^_^


NOTHING'S GONNA STOP US NOW........... ^_^ fave koh... hehehe! soNgs by ciAra ; uhmm me & yOu by cAssie / ridiN diRty / pArty up / irReplacable / sHy guy / get up / tokyo drift / nUthin in diZ worLd / cHeck oN it / coNtroL mYseLf / bEeR / cRazy 4u/ i dOnt wAna miSs a tHing / gRow oLd wid U / gOin cRazY ..... bxta madami pah... =p


=+*+=gHosT riDer (haha!)=+*+= mY sUpEr exGirLfriEnd =+*+= LakeHouse =+*=+ JuSt mY LuCk =+*+= John TuCker muSt diE =+*+=sHe's da mAn=+*+= HaRRy PoTTer 1-4 =+*+= a Lot LikE LovE=+*+=iF oNLy.. =+*+= mY sAssY girL =+*+= my bOyfriENd is tYpE B=+*+= =+*+= wiNdstrUck =+*+= mY crAzy Love =+*+= SHUTTER =+*+= sEreNdiPity =+*+= prinCe and Me =+*+= never bEEn kissed =+*+=sHe's aLL thaT =+*+=50 first daTes =+*+= walk to remember =+*+= princess diaries =+*+= the notebuk =+*+= uNderworLd =+*+= Bring it on (1, agen, aLL or nuThin =+*+= Wedding Singer =+*+= LOTR 1-4 =+*+= fAntAstic 4 =+*+= ^_~
