themed outfits, hair feathers, tights and glitter! stenciling and making old clothes new again, blushing, finding art in the everyday, people watching, gender and how we express it, sunday mornings at the farmers market, community, laughing deeply, awkward silences, local farming- actually- local everything, long kisses, thoughtful conversation, drunken chatter, being present in a moment, bananas just before they're ripe, hikes with my dog and anyone else who wants to join along!
enthusiasts and queers of all kinds, more feminists, more artists, nikki mcclure, peggy guggenheim, my preschool boyfriend, my grandfather, harry potter
too random to categorize, but YES lots of it!
Amelie, American Beauty, But I'm a Cheerleader, Stranger than Fiction, You and Me and Everyone We Know, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, BBC's Pride and Prejudice, Run Lola Run, Eternal Sunshine and Zoolander.
Umm, not so much
I think Orlando by Virginia Woolf is next on my list after I finish the stack of sex books from work that are piled up next to my bed. Secret Life of Bees is the only book I've ever read more than once. Doestoyevsky, Woolf and bell hooks are the authors I can't get enough of and the Harry Potter and Jasper Forde series are my total guilty pleasure.
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The only man I'll let share my bed (except when he rolls in shit) . . . Â He may not be very bright, but he sure is cute! Â