Tiff profile picture


I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down.

About Me

I like big noses, sarcasm, books and movies.I was going to delete this...Congratulations myspace, you win.

My Interests

Geeking out over books.
My Sister.
Cheap ass Verdi.

I'd like to meet:

If I had testicles I would give my left one to meet this guy.

And other Smart asses like myself.


The good stuff.

And some bad stuff... I won't lie.


I love movies more than most people love their children.
Don't make me pick it will just start a sibling rivalry.


Prison Break.
Law and Order SVU.
The Office.
I 3 NY because I already know who wins and it makes me feel fucking special.


The Catcher in the rye(I am such a cliche).
A guide to recognizing your saints.
On the road.
Anything by Chuck Palahnik.
The Three Musketeers.
All of Frank McCourt's books.
All of Kurt Vonnegut's books.

And the Harry Potter series(don't hate on Harry).


The lady on the left because you will never meet a cooler mom than she. The dude on the right bc there is no one in the world funnier than my pops. Seriously, ask around.

My Blog

The 20 people I wish were real.

Apparently this is going on around the net so I decided to do it as well. BEHOLD the 20 Television characters that I wish were real.- In no particular order:Jim Halpert from The Office: I don't know o...
Posted by Tiff on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 06:08:00 PST


I think you all suck. If you are afraid you might be included in the "all" catagory... chances are you are.
Posted by Tiff on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:33:00 PST