Cooking,playing Basketball,playin football!!
God, Martin Lawerence, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Brad Pitt!!!
Rap, R&B, Dat Chi-Town Juke Shyt
A 152 question survey ALL about you!!
Full Name:: Brian Jr.
Nicknames:: Dodee B~MaGiC
Age:: 18
Hair color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
School:: East Hall
Job:: Kubota
Birthday:: 3*15*90
School:: East Hall
Tattoos:: None
Piercings:: Ears
*Family*: Moms Pops Shakira Missy Shakir
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes
What are there names?: Moma Blue & Brian Sr.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?: Dad!!
Any Siblings?: Yes
What are there names?: Shakira, Adariah (Missy) Shakir (Man-Man)
How old are they?: 20,10, 9
Do you get along with them?: Yes!!
How many best friends do you have?: 2
Which one can you tell anything and everything to?: Ed
Which one will do anything you tell them to do no matter how stupid it is?: None Of Them
Who have you known the longest?: Cari
Which one could you call at 3 am and they would answer?: Cari Ed Ass Be Sleep Hard!!
Which one knows the most about you?: Ed!!
Which one is most like you?: Neither
Which one has the nicest car?: Cari!! LOL!! Cuz Smooth Has 1 Nd Everything
*This or that*
Mountain dew or Sprite?: Sprite
Pen or Pencil?: Pen
Country or Rap?: Rap
Rock or Oldies?: Oldies
CD or Cassette?: CD
Bugs Bunny or Scooby Doo?: Bugs!!
Steak or Chicken?: Chicken
Bubble gum or Just gum?: Gum
Cell phone or house phone?: Cell
Mom or Dad?: Mom
Digital Camera or Film Camera?: Gone Digital
Britney Spears or Christna Aguilera?: Neither
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Food:: Chicken
Candy:: Kit Kat
Soda:: Pepsi
Drink:: Hawiian Punch
Alcoholic Drink:: Hennessey & Cuervo
Person:: Martin Lawerence
Gum:: Winterfresh
Vegetable:: Carrots
Fruit:: Grapes
Cartoon:: Tommy
TV Show:: Martin
Song:: Ribbon In Tha Sky
Book:: Bible
Color:: Blue
Place:: Tha Crib
Shoes:: Adidas
Store:: Don't Have 1
Kind of Jeans:: Girbaud
Kind of Shirts:: Polo
Makeup?: None
Animal?: Lion!!
Pet?: DOG!!
First Kiss:: Wow
First Car:: Envoy
First word:: Don't Kno
First Best Friend:: Dae-Dae
First Crush: Lil' D
First Celebrity Crush:: Staci Dash
Time you cried:: May 4th
Person you hugged:: Eve
Person you kissed:: my Moms
Movie you saw in theatre:: Damn Night At Tha Musuem
Person you went on a date with:: Arijan
You talked to on the phone:: Chandace
Person to text you:: Carrie
Song you heard:: Luxury Tax
Person you called:: Chandace
Person to call you:: Arijan
Missed call:: ED!!
*As a child*
Did you like Barney?: Hell Yea!!
What about The Power Rangers?: Them 2!!
Were you a mean kid?: No!!
Did you eat all your veggies?: No!!
What was your favorite Nursery Rhyme?: Jack & Jill I Guess
Did you want to be just like Britney Spears?: Hell No!!
Are you still friends with the people you were friends with then?: Nope
Were you a tomboy or a girly girl?: I"M A GROWN ASS MAN!!
*Love and All That*
Are you single or taken?: Take
Do you have a crush?: Yes
Do they like you back?: Yes
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Have you ever been heartbroken?: No
Honestly, How many times have you had a broken heart?: None
Are you a virgin?: No
How many times have you been in love?: Twice
Looks or personality?: Personality
Love or Money?: LOVE!!
Ever went on a date with someone cuz you didnt want to hurt there feelings: NO!!
What do you first notice on the opposite sex?: Face!!
*Random Questions*
Do you like this survey?: Its iight
Why are you takin this survey?: i'm bored
Are aliens really out there?: no
What is your biggest fear?: GOD!!
Do you like your life?: yes
Do you smoke?: on occasions
Do you drink?: on occasions
Do you do drugs?: No
Prescription drugs?: No
*Finish The Sentence*
If i had one wish....: We would be 2gether now!!
My friends are....: With Me Until We Meet Again
Jack and Jill....: Fucked On Tha Hill!!
You are....: Cool Calm & Collected
I like.....: YOU!!
The cow....: Is Good!!
*Do you..*
Like Jack Johnson?: WHO!!
Watch tv alot?: NO
Own a computer?: Yes!!
Belive in God?: YES!!
Go to church?: YES!!
*Have you Ever*
Drunk Dialed?: No
Gotten Drunk?: Yes
Had a one night stand?: Yes plenty of them
Cursed?: Yes
Kissed someone you didn't like?: Yes
Pretended to like something but really didn't?: Yes
Sat on your roof?: Yes
Wished you could take something you said back?: Yes
Smoked a Cigarette?: No
Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?: Yes
Seen a friend as more than a friend?: Yes
Gotten mad about nothing?: YES!!
Burnt popcorn?: YES!!
Done something you now regret?: YES!!
*Rhyme with this word*
Poke:: JOKE
Bark:: PARK
Dance:: Lance
Banana:: Manana
Love:: Dove!!
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4 brothers,Runteldat,Kings of Comedy,Any Thing Wit Martin Lawerence & Bernie Mac
Anything Good
The Bible,Tuesdays With Morrie,
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