Alternative sports, riding BMX bikes, Shooting guns, the great outdoors, music, animals, art, myspace..........
Open minded people that arent afraid to try something new!The girl of my dreams...
"Harldy anything thats on the radio!" Metal, Punk, Alternative Rock, Underground, Breakbeats...
Mafia movies, Martial Arts Movies, Big Epics, some horror flicks."House of 1000 corpses, Devils Rejects" Action movies, True story movies, as long as it involves any of the above.
Kill your TV, unless something cool is on, like. Jackass, Wild Boys, UFC, Mafia shows, people getting beat up or killed, ect.
I dont read many books, unless they are how to books or graphic novels, exp. "Sin City" "I rather play Video Games."
Bruce Lee,Bob Marley,Hugh Hefner,Jackass crew,many of actors and musicians."My mom and dad, for putting up with my brother and I's insanity."