Carla profile picture


Sometimes I feel like I don't belong anywhere, and it's going to take so long for me to get to somew

About Me

I'm a pretty laid back, easy going kinda girl who loves trying new things, keeping that excitment going! Warm, passionate, loving and honest. I believe it's really important to keep it real these days. I love being around positive, energetic people! You can't help but inherit the positivity and energy right back! I'm quit silly at times, total goof ball. Family is really important to me...with out my family I don't know what I would do. I've learned in my short time here that all things happen for a reason good and bad, so take it for what it is and keep it moving. Aside from my family and friends and also love love love to eat! MEXICAN FOOD TO BE EXACT!!! I can't get enough of it! I also can't get enough of Salsa music...I learned how to dance Salsa about 5 year ago, and haven't stopped's addiciting for sure and great cardio! I'm a hard worker, not afraid to get my hands dirty. Yet I love maxxin and relaxin!!! Traveling is something I love to do. learing about new places and cultures is pretty neat and necessary in life I think. I get to travel for my job from time to time, yet it's gets pretty lonely at times. I wish had someone to share these places with, it would make it that much better. Im not here placing a personal ad, I'm just here for friends. However, there is a longing for that someone special that I have yet to meet, but I know he's out there.I still think that I have a lot of growing and improving to do. Everyday I'm learning something new and trying to better myself as person constantly. The one thing I will say is LOVE is the one thing I cherish a lot in life. With out LOVE, this world be a dark and dreary place. It's a great feeling to know your loved, but an even better feeling to love someone back! "Some people make things happen, some watch things happen, while others wonder what has happened " "Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile." "Only regret an opportunity missed""Maybe... It is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives."Anyone can catch your eye....
But it takes the right one to capture you heart....
Overlapping Text
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Carla
Date of Birth: January 12, 1981
Birthplace: Clearwater , FL
Current Location: Elizabeth, NJ
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'5
Heritage: African American, Polish and American Indian
Piercings: Ears and Naval
Tattoos: 5
Band/Singer: ALICIA KEYS and Maxwell
Song: If I Aint got you by Miss Alicia Keys
Movie: Unfaithful
Disney Movie:
TV show: Law and Order, CSI Miami, Intervention
Color: Green
Pizza topping: Pepperoni and Peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: Cookies and Cream!
Drink (alcoholic): Bailey's or GreyGoose and Pineapple
Soda: Dr. Pepper
Store: Too many to name
Clothing Brand: Anyone who makes confortable jeans
Shoe Brand: Carlos Santana, PUMA, Nine West, Charles David
Season: Summer/Spring
Month: December
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Orchids
Make-Up Item: LIPGLOSS! can't live with out it
Board game: Scrabble?
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Love sunny days, but rainy is sexy too
Chocolate or vanilla: Both
Fruit or veggie: BOTH yum!
Night or day: DAy or night, I'm still me!
Sour or sweet: im a sweetie baby
Love or money: Love all day long
Phone or in person: Person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hot or cold: Cold, it feels good to get warm
Goal for this year: to make more of myself
Most missed memory: Acting silly with my boy Shannen
Best physical feature: Hair? haha, I dont know you tell me..
First thought waking up: thank you God for another day
Hypothetical personality disorder: eh?
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none, and hopefully not needed..Does Lasik Count?
Sesame street alter ego: Elmo's silly ass
Fairytale alter ego: somebody naughty and sexy
Most stupid remark: When I say " I Can't"
Worst crime: Being so nice
Greatest ambition: to be great
Greatest fear: Failure
Darkest secret: I'll never tellllll (gingi voice)
Favorite subject: Doggies...PUGS!
Strangest received gift: a coconut piggy pank
Worst habit: cracking my fingers
Do You:
Smoke: Hell to the no...NEVER have and NEVER will, gross
Drink: yup, socially
Curse: on occasion, which might be often
Shower daily: a couple times son
Like thunderstorms: yea, as long as I have someone's arms to make me feel safe
Dance in the rain: yup, like know ones watching!
Sing: i do..the better question is Can I...then no
Play an instrument: my lips, im still learning to whistle
Get along with your parents: at times...long story
Wish on stars: all the time..still waiting for some to come true
Believe in fate: Absolutely..everything happens for a reason
Believe in love at first sight: can happen...hopefully to me one day
Can You:
Drive: of course
Sew: sure
Cook: yup, getting better everyday on that one
Speak another language: very little spanish, another goal of to be fluent
Dance: love too...try and stop me from moving to the beats
Sing: nope, sure cant
Touch your nose with your tongue: no, can you? i want to see
Whistle: doh! kinda sorta
Curl your tongue: no, but my mom can...but i take after my father and he can't
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yup, not to often grown
Been Stoned/High: never, maybe high on life but thats about it
Eaten Sushi: yuk
Been in Love: no...but boy I cant wait for it
Skipped school: a time or two
Made prank calls: lol, yea
Sent someone a love letter: I have, it felt good
Stolen something: when I was younger
Cried yourself to sleep: too much for my liking
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? procrastinating and ignorrence
Are you right or left handed? Righty baby
What is your bedtime? eh, whenever
Name three things you can't live without: Lipgloss, Mexican food and a Pug...miss you Meshia, RIP
What is the color of your room? Red
Do you have any siblings? two gorgeous little sister, they get it from me of course
Do you have any pets? I had two doggies, still missing my Pug i just have Pepe
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no....what kind of question is that
What is you middle name? ha, I'll never tellllll...
What are you nicknames? Friday, or whatever day it happens to be at the time
Are you for or against gay marriage? no, whatever floats your boat
What are your thoughts on abortion? Im pro Choice
Do you have a crush on anyone? mebe...
Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes
How do you want to die? peacefully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? maybe 4 or 5
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? in a heartbeat
What is the last law you’ve broken? hmmmm, is this an interrogation?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: any
Eye color: any
Height at least taller than me
Weight any, but a nice fit body is a
Most important physical feature: I have a lip and hand fetish..and a big booty is kinda hot
Biggest turn-off someone who is way too are not all that and a bag of chips!
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How to make a carla
1 part intelligence
1 part humour
1 part energy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
Your Kissing Purity Score: 46% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well. Kissing Purity Test
C Courageous
A Astonishing
R Respectable
L Little
A Adventurous
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comWhat is meant to be..
will always find it's way...
Overlapping Text

My Interests

Dancing, Shopping, Graphic Design, Meeting New People, Love, Traveling, Making Money, Family, Friends, Doggies!!!

I'd like to meet:

"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin. Real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination." - John Phillip SouzaToo often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Embrace all equally!.. "; .. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!



I love all music! Hip Hop, Reggae, R&B, Reggaeton, Salsa, Meringue, Bachata, Cha Cha, Rock, Aternative, Jazz, Blues! I love it all. But my favorite artists are Maxwell & Alicia Keys. They are amazing and good for the soul!


Dance with me, Blow, Unfaithful, Crash, Anthing with Denzel in it~just to name a few


LAW AND ORDER....Need I say more?


To be honest I hate to read books. But I love to skimming through magazines. I'm a visual person.

My Blog

In need of a getaway?

Posted by Carla on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 06:36:00 PST

The 7 Keys

Seven keys to improving your life everyday are:        *       Keep pressing forward. *       Be positive...
Posted by Carla on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:13:00 PST

are you ready for bigger things?

Are You Ready For Bigger Things?   You... enlarged me when I was in distress. Psalm 4:1 AMP Did you know that the hermit crab looks for a shell that fits him, then lives in it until he outgrows i...
Posted by Carla on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:44:00 PST

!!! GOD IS REAL !!!

!!! GOD IS REAL !!! Did God create everything that exists? Does evil exist? Did God create evil? A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students wit...
Posted by Carla on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:38:00 PST