Dance, massage therapy, vacations, travel,golf...pretty much anything and everything!
Anybody with a good sense of humour and no one with a negative mind set. And this cool French guy, bicycle horns are awesome
Nickle Creek and almost everything country( it's the 315er in me), Blondie, ACDC,Norah Jones, Pete Murray, Jack Johnson, Rod Stewart,Rusted Root, R & B's always good as well as he classics Dean and Frank...I'm not too picky
I love movies! Love Actually will always be my favorite, but there's so many! Dirty Dancing,The Notebook,Dazed and Confused(You know what I like about high school girls?... I keep gettin older and they stay the same age) Taking Lives, Running Scared, PCU, Animal House and you've gotta have the classics Goonies(Rocky Road), The sandlot( Yer killin me smalls),16 Candles, really the list is endless...
One word, addicted! yeah, I love my TV, I'm a couch bum on my vacations... Friends, Scrubs, That 70's Show, What Not to Wear, Beverly Hills 90210( lame but true), Sex and the City( gotta have Sex right Allison!), C.S.I., Will and Grace, E.R., Wonder Years and of course NIP TUCK!! Crazy Katie we need to reinact Nip Tuck Tuesdays, Eden's going down.
Girl With a Pearl Earring, Harry Potter collection and The Jewels of Tessa Kent( yes, because it has my name in the title, lame once again!) To Kill a Mockingbird, Roots, Wicked, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Expecting Adam, The Diary of Jack the Ripper, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Loop... have I run out of space yet?... My A and P book, it's like my bible.
My mom and dad, I can't believe how much I've put them through and they still haven't put me up for adoption...Lorryl and Glynn( my first host parents from Oz.)... my brothers and sisters...Christian, Crystal, Amberly and Luke-Semper Fidalis Lukie, I'm proud of you and want you to know that I think you're the bravest person I've ever known, be careful with those rifles, you could shoot your eye out kid... pretty much couldn't ask for cooler brothers and sisters, Grandma and Grandpa Luke,USMC, Rachie,Smerch( I love you for putting up with me) Sarah Anne Farnand,Cubby, Sarah Maly, Mother Theresa, Rosa Parks, MLKJ,Katryn anyone who has had a positve influence in my life.