Secretly, I want to try everything and meet everyone I possibly can--but I want to meet people like me. I listen to music contantly, and if I can't listen to it, I imagine it. I day dream way too much, and somehow still manage to pass my classes.
Just kidding.
I've always wanted to be a spy, & as kids, my brother & I would pretend we were. Oh, this one time, all of the neighborhood kids [when I lived in Corpus] had a circus in my backyard--well, we tried to form one. We spent a lot of time playing girl/boy tackle football, and my team always won. My early childhood was surrounded with crazy kids, writing horrible plays and performing them on my porch. I miss it. Sometimes I live in the past. That's probably why I always bring up my childhood in Canada. Because when you're in a place full of people completely opposite from what you grew up with, it's weird.
I... like...writing. LOVE writing. Actually, it's my life. I want to be published soon. "Yo Momma"-A collection of short stories by Kim Hawke. I want to graduate and, if my grades allow me, go to NYU, or ANYWHERE in New England, for college. Then one day, I'll marry that person I've been crazy about for so long in a hot air balloon, and we'll throw the priest over the side. But for now, I'm focusing some movies I started watching. I love "sick" days...
I am 66% Tortured Artist.
.. Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.
Time for a confessional.
Alright, so if you want to know me, then I'm going to tell you one of my most annoying secrets: I think too much about what other people think. Even if I don't like those people.
One of my biggest problems is acting like myself around people I haven't known for a long time. NO, I'm not snobby because I don't talk, I just don't talk because I don't know what to say. [See? It's still bugging me...]
I don't think people should have to act obnoxious just to make other people comfortable around them.
And another thing I don't like is when people call me sweetie and try to make me feel like I'm not as smart as them. Especially when we're the same age.
Why are satanic songs the ones that stick in your head?
Someone who will dress up like Sid Vicious and walk around HEB with me.
[real] hip hop