i found out the hard way that crashing a stranger's funeral is really just as sad as going to one for someone you know. so that's off the list. oh, and i really like owls tho the taxidermy stuffed ones freak me out and make me think that norman bates is going to get me.
i have said this before and i will say it again: if you can build me a swing or put up a shelf that won't fall on my head, you have me. if you can do both, you have me eternally.someone who is willing to help me a) get my novels published b) get my plays produced c) get me writing for a primetime drama (tho preferrably not one with a bunch of girly girls) d) finance my dream of getting knocked up with twin boys (really all this requires is a monetary donation to my baby fund - sperm banks overseas ain't cheap, yo) e) dream of the winning lottery numbers and give them to me. i promise to share some part of the fortune.
new music, new music! seriously, if i could make a living by writing AND discovering new bands to like, i'd be the happiest girl in the world. here are some recent purchases that have rocked my ears: the guggenheim grotto, the frames, amy winehouse (sounds colored and is slightly tragic, two great qualities), elvis perkins (late actor anthony perkins' son), piers faccini, patrick wolf, loney dear, paper route, silver lakes, youth group, the besnard lakes, doloreon, winter pills, rjd2, james yorkston, paula frazer, gruff rhys, white flight, lewis taylor, the pierces, acqueduct, duke special (so great he makes my fingers hurt), the one am radio, bonnie prince billy, stars of track and field, andrew bird, richard swift (his latest is called dressed up for the letdown. it may be my new fave title) and jesse sykes and the sweet hereafter. have to add: charlotte gainsbourg, the good, the bad and the queen, the new rufus wainwright, and l.e.o., run, run, run to your local tunes store (be it online or out in the world) and get even a handful of these truly great artists. good music CAN change your life.
as much as i love modern day cinema in spite of its many pits and pendulums, i encourage you to go back to the classics, man. you can't go wrong with just about anything on TCM. i would say also AMC but those commercials get on my last working nerve.
if ryan murphy, shawn ryan or denis leary happen to be on myspace, can they please contact me at their earliest convenience? without that trio of irish-amercians, my tv watching life would be sad and diminished. also, if they would like to give me a job writing on one of their shows, i would be thrilled to be a hard core fx staffer. even if i'm not irish-american. or a neurotic plastic surgeon, corrupt detective or alcoholic firefighter. see what i mean about diminished? oh, and i cannot BELIEVE i forgot to add him to the list - maybe because i don't think he's of irish descent but there would be no world or life without the incomparable joss whedon. i bow before the master. and also, if aaron sorkin decides to stay off the smack and rejoin the game, everyone had better watch out because he has the pimp hand of Jesus in his words.
i still highly recommend the book, the miraculous journey of edward tulane. you will think from the cover and the pictures that it is a book for children. you will be wrong. if your heart has ever been damaged, frozen, stuttered and sputtered, this book will remind you why you keep choosing to love. and it will remind you that love is always the best choice no matter how bad it gets. i have also been reading a lot of dashiell hammett and if you can decipher the 40s/50s lingo you will agree there's not much on today's shelf that can compare.
see: television (and by that i mean the writers i praised in that section. not television itself, which, as a whole blows). also and always, my mom.