It Will Come! |
I'm sure all of you know, or have know, of that one person who is literally speed dating their way to love. It's an unhealthy balance of emotions, insecurity and desire for something that this person... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:18:00 PST |
Parisian Birthday.. |
IM OUT! my 21st birthday is Thrusday, December 7th..and if the obvious layout could not be anymore clear..Im flying out to Paris tonight in celebration!
Be back in NYC on the 12th...... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:41:00 PST |
Money..makes the MUSAK go 'round |
A warning before you commence reading: the following thoughts and ideas are highly opinionated. However, as opinionated as this is going to sound, I also try to keep things in perspective, so that my ... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 09:08:00 PST |
Validation |
"When we were young, Marlo Thomas sang to us about accepting each others and our differences. But then we got older and started singing a different tune. We stopped celebrating each others life choice... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:00:00 PST |
Madonna's Adoption: Why people need to shut up |
So me and my friend Jenn were talking about how ridiculous it is that the media is portraying Madonna's adoption of an African child as a negative thing, and how the public makes it seem like she "pur... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 05:23:00 PST |
The little 2 train that...couldn't |
So this evening I was on my way to Chelsea to meet up with Steph and Jenn for shopping and then dinner afterwards. By the time I got to 59th street, I was running a bit late, so I decided to take the ... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:01:00 PST |
The Rut |
We've all been there, we all hate it, and some of us are in it right now. Its called "the rut": Being stuck in a situation because of life circumstances and unable to change much to make it better bec... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:49:00 PST |
Private Profiles..Why people crack me up |
I dont understand why people have private profiles on Myspace. what EXACTLY is the point of blocking your page from people. if you ask me, i came onto myspace to be SEEN. not but snooty and block... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 02:25:00 PST |
Countdown to Paris |
Alright, i have 71 more days until i leave for Paris for my birthday/one week vacation. I'm going with Jenn, and possibly others depending on what happens within the course of this week. I've been wa... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:34:00 PST |
A Walk in Their Shoes |
People say you should never judge a person or their actions until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Living in the position of someone whom you question and try to answer is interesting, and sudden... Posted by Disgustingly Liberal...Overly Tolerant on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 07:53:00 PST |