My Interest is now my New Baby Peytin...He takes up most of my time that my Old interest which is the followign "Shopping for Shoes! Clothes! and Bags?
ChilLin' Kickin' it with da Group....Moviez, EAT! Shop! CluBbin' Drinkin, Snowboarding, talkin....haha many many more...." Are out of the is more like shopping for baby clothes...comparing diapers prices online...hahha but is all worth my time..
@ vivians Wedding
@ Dung & Saumi's Weddin..06.24.06
Banquet @ nite...Dung & Saumi's Weddin..06.24.06
Shhh....Things u gotta do for your baby....gotta give up my boose.....ummm !!
My Love...My Life....My husband....(Such a dork...)
Vanguard 10.28.05
I'm NOt ready Yet!!!
Rap / R&B / occAssiOnaly soMe ChinEse Music!
ToOo many .............
Nip Tucks, Las Vegas, Desperate House wife.., SVU, Medium, Jay Leno, many many more and of course...Sex and the city...finished all season!!! AWWWw such a swt ending!! but dude i want more of that real hheheh!! Da OC...
DoN't Read TheM!
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