Liz Price *RIP MTM* profile picture

Liz Price *RIP MTM*

No one can deny the power of Liz...

About Me

YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID. WHY DONT YOU ACTUALLY READ MY FUCKING PROFILE BEFORE YOU; A) ADD TO ME UR "FRIENDS" WITHOUT MESSAGING ME OR B) SEND ME A MESSAGE SAYING JUST "CAN WE BE FRIENDS", YOU HONESTLY THINK THATS DEPTH?? COME ON PEOPLE, STOP WASTING MY TIME. IF YOU CANT TAKE 5 MINUTES TO READ MY PROFILE, WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU??? EXACTLY.******************************************OUR BOYS!!! *********************************************(if you actually know me, this doesnt apply to you)IF YOU DONT SEND ME A MESSAGE AND ADD ME TO UR FRIENDS LIST, I WILL DENY YOU, IM NOT JUST SAYING THAT, I DO IT EVERYDAY. NOW THAT DOESNT MEAN SEND ME A STUPID MESSAGE THAT SAYS "HI" AND THEN ADD ME CUZ I WILL STILL DENY YOU, I NEED SUBSTANCE, IF YOU DONT HAVE IT, THEN YOU DONT GET THE AWESOME PRIVILEGE OF BEING MY FRIEND. IF YOU ARE IN A BAND I COULDNT REALLY CARE LESS, I DONT CARE IF YOU THINK I WOULD LIKE IT, I DONT CARE IF UR RETARDED AND CANT READ THIS, DONT ADD ME, I DONT WANNA BE UR FRIEND. ************************************************************ ********* NOW GUYS: IM NOT A SLUT, IM NOT A PROSTITUTE, IM NOT GONNA FUCK YOU, IM NOT GONNA SEND U NUDIES. THE PRICE SLUT THING IS A TRIBUTE TO OUR FRIEND THAT WAS MURDERED, SO STOP THINKING IT MEANS IM EASY. CUZ IM NOT, UNLESS UR INSANELY HOT, WHICH NONE OF YOU ARE. ************************************************************ *********My name is Liz. I was born and raise in Northern Virginia, or Nova as we call it. I moved to North Carolina in August of '03. I moved back home (to Nova) in June of 2006. I love having an awesome time. It doesnt happen a lot but when it does its awesome. Now I live back with my mama and my 2 dogs Chino (yes of course I named him that) and Sugar. I did not name her. Not that there is anything wrong with the name Sugar.. But I am a strong believer in NOT naming animals after food, no matter how delicious it is. I dont wanna be construed as "one of those girls". I dont drink soda. Only water and sweet tea (which they dont have here and when u ask for it they look at you confused then give you regular unsweetened tea..its not the same). I dye my hair a lot and have 9 piercings and 9 tattoos. I want to learn to snowboard. I own more Roxy clothes than anyone anywhere, and if you beg to differ bring it on. If it were up to me I'd live at the beach.My favorite 2 words I've been called to describe myself would have to be fiesty, which is a nice word for mean and angsty which is in fact not a real word but hilarious non-the-less. If you front on me, ill fucking kill you....***************************************************** ****** 26 THINGS I LOVE1. Katie, Sarah, and Alicia 2. You know 3. Sex 4. SURFACE 5. Vodka 6. Beer Pong 7. Deftones 8. Steak 9. Ketchup 10. Chocolate 11. Red Heads 12. Shoes 13. Cheeseburgers 14. Painting 15. Japanese Food 16. Cars 17. Pool Cafe Basket Fries 18. Dogs 19. Mohawks 20. Guess Jeans 21. Tattoos 22. Dolce&Gabbana 23. Evian 24. Valium 25. The O.C. 26. THE BEACH!!!!!************************************************** ************************************************************ ************** My baby
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

Football, College Football, MLS, Art,(painting) Music, Clothes,Tattoos, Piercings, Surfers, Skaters, Snowboarders...uhhh huhhh, german cars (vdubs,audis,bmw), scooobys, Animals, partying, drinking corona, playing with puppies, not meeting people, not junkies, haha, i like poop jokes. I have a mohawk fetish..oh yeh..uhhh mmm. People that dont smoke, i dont want your cancer u gross fuckers. Queso and Chips from Ruby Tuesday, italian food, my dog. makeup(MAC,Hardcandy,urban decay), spending money, partying, beer pong, vodka, the beach.this gets me off more than any guy ever ever ever could:

Your Deadly Sins

Lust: 60%
Greed: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go. How Sinful Are You?

I'd like to meet:

George Zimmer, whoever invented those easy open cans and your mom...*********Not. You.*********
You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.
Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.
You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.

You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.
Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.
You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.

At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.
Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.
A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior. What Temperment Are You?******************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **********


*Deftones* *TEAM SLEEP* *Saves the Day* *Dashboard Confessionals* *MSI* *The Ataris* *Fall Out Boy* *Q and not U* *No Doubt* *Thursday* *Rage (with Zac)* *Staind* *Incubus* *My Bloody Valentine* *Brand New* *Blink182* *Box Car Racer* *Story of the Year* *Midtown* *Thrice* *The Used* *Coldplay* *Goldfinger* *My Chemical Romance* *30 Seconds To Mars* *The Killers* *Common* *Yellowcard* *Op Ivy* *Taking Back Sunday* *Fall Out Boy* *Silverstein* *Every time I Die* *Small Brown Bike* *Tsunami Bomb* *Misfits* *MxPx* *Foo Fighters* *Army of Me* *33 West* *Nirvana* *Finch* *AFI* *The Ramones* *As I lay Dying* *Rise Against* *Modest Mouse* *Senses Fail* *Avail* *New Found Glory* *GC* *Story of The Year* *Rancid* *Dropkick Murphys* *Sex Pistols* *Glassjaw* *Flogging Molly* *The Clash* *Bouncing Souls* *Atmosphere* *Cream* *Smashing Pumpkins* *Bob Marley* *Millencolin* *Mest* *Third Eye Blind* *Sublime* *311* *Led Zeppelin* *Pink Floyd* *The Doors* *Jimi Hendrix* *The Who* *The Rolling Stones* *The Cure* *The Descendents* *Ludacris* *Bow wow* *Kanye West* *Nas* *Jay-Z* *Ciara* *Missy Elliot* *Lil Kim* *Three-six Mafia* *Young Jeezy* *And lots more*


ZOOLANDER! anything with Ben Stiller or Will Ferrel Pulp Fiction, Iron Monkey, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill...uhh i guess all quentin tarentino movies cuz he is AWESOME!! Boondock Saints, Leon the Professional,ANCHORMAN, Saved, Orange County, Super Troopers,Road Trip, All the Spiderman movies(best comic ever)
Which Trainspotting Character Are You? I hated Begbie the most too. Hahaha.


Nip Tuck, Chappelles show,Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Lumberjack Challenge, Monk, Surface, Reunion, The OC, ANTM, anything on comedy central, anything on MTV, im an mtv junkie(Laguna, Real World). Anything on VH1(Best Week Ever).


Anything by James Patterson. And the book of discord. OH and how to spot a bastard by his star sign. wait one more... the idiot girls action adventure club...please go buy it now...theyre all true stories and theyre all HILARIOUS!!!


Me. and your mom. (and Gwen Stefani) and other people i cant think of at the moment...

My Blog


On Saturday I found out an old friend of mine died on April 6th in Iraq. Matt was like my best friend in middle school. We sat next to each other in shop class since his last name was M and mine was N...
Posted by Liz Price *RIP MTM* on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:21:00 PST


I havent posted a blog in awhile. Im just gonna take my bulletin and copy it into here cuz in a couple minutes it will likely not be visible anymore.   ..> Sean Taylor was by far my favorite f...
Posted by Liz Price *RIP MTM* on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:11:00 PST

WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

Posted by Liz Price *RIP MTM* on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 01:37:00 PST

Stuff and Things

Sometimes when u like *someone, and then u find out they dont like you, your like ohh ok. And then a few days later u realize ur over them. Cuz if *someone doesnt like you, then whats the point? Then ...
Posted by Liz Price *RIP MTM* on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 10:27:00 PST