family, friends, skateboarding, traveling, playing with fire, painting, drawing, getting photos and footage, not filming nor shooting such things, drinking ice cold coronas and other such adult beverages, trying to make a dolla, trying to make more dollas, cee-lo hands, people of the female persuasion, kickn it on the beach with ice cold coronas, gettin iry, sittin on bucks front porch, drum n bass, breakz, metal, hippity hop,habanero hot sauce all up on my tacos, rockn them crunk hits, killin it in the streets, celestial bodies of star clusters, thai food, cards, life!
you and your peoples people!!! for sho!!!
all those feel good jam jams, fl breakz, drum n bass, dirty south shillz, electro nation big it up, more hippity hop and parapity rap....oh and of course ROCK N FUCKN ROLL
i like movies
nope, we will have none of this! okay well you cant leave out the discovery channel, animal planet, travel channel, and of course the greatest of them all the History channel.....
moms and paps mighty mouse mr. ed dr. no lois lane and the late great 007