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♥ 6.30.05 NeVeR settLe 4 LesS than LuV b/c no1 DeSeRveS LesS 7.20.06 wE RiDiN gEthR 4EvR &hea

About Me

YeSh...Iz Me BrItTanY-KaViTa a.k.a. DucKiE...currently residin in WacK aSS coMMack Li, but u kn0o ima alwayz be RePPiN HOLLIS,QUEENZ. IM 16!!! & Of course i am a PrOuD GuYANeZe...Nd a HiNdU BaBy.Been put on dis EaRtH 2 LoVe dem speshul peopleZ in mY LiFe...IF UR dat LuCkY =) ****If u kn0o me den u Must alreaDy kn0o how much i LoVe da ColOr RED, TiGerZ, CheRRiEz(actually anything cherry or cherry flavored...hehehe, CoKe, CHocLaTe, MusiQ, My cELL,da computer,n chillin wit doze who mean da most to me espeshully my HuSbAnD NickIm LiVIn My LifE , nOt woRyyIn BoUt ShYT people hav to say. jUs HeRe hAvIn FUn & IF Ur A HAtER weLL juS kEEp on haTin cuz u giViN Me a reaSoN to bE mE =)LeAvE mE sUm
You are a Dark Red Rose
You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion.
Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly
Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden What Color Rose Are You?-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You're the girl who has everything but is still desperate for the thing she cannot have, love. Jasmine first wandered onto our screen in Aladdin (1992)

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --

My Interests

i LikE HaNgIn OuT,sHoPPIn, DanCiN, pArtYiN, DrInKin, SlEePiN, TaLkIn, WriTiN PoEtRy & VaRiOuS StorieS, BeiN VeRY CrEatIVe In MaNy DiFfeRenT wAyZ =) N doin all dis n more wit NiCk OF COURSE

I'd like to meet:

FriEnDzZz...& U KN0O maybE somE NormaL PeoplE...UnLiKe MySeLf....LOLzzZ What Hindu God or Goddess are you like?
You and Mother Lakshmi are most alike. She is the Goddess of beauty, wealth, light, and good fortune. She is the one you turn to in time of desires. You are like her because you are beautiful and you give others that knowledge to know they are as well. So you like mother Lakshmi give light and happiness to others. Don't change.
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SoCa, R&B, ReGGae, InDiAn, HipHop, etc.


Take the LEAD, SCARY MOVIE 4,The ring, da FrEDDy cR0OGeR sERIeS, HuM TuM, & ELaaN


PASSIONS, Beverly Hills 90210, Charmed, Degrassi, iron chief, various cartoonz old & new


matrimonial purposes,1000 stories of shaharazad,the scarlet letter,to kill a mocking bird,.....therez alot more but i cant member.....


My DaDDy, My BIG SiS DeViKa, & GHANDI....lolxxx

My Blog


WHY do YOU talk to me? WHY do YOU call me? WHY do YOU meet me? WHY do YOU look at me in that way?  WHY do YOU hold me so tight? WHY do YOU  kiss ...
Posted by i L♥VE Y♥U S♥ on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 01:50:00 PST


 idkkkk i thought deze wuz s0o0o cuteee...lol...... s0o0o im here at home talkin 2 my WiFeY.............alot of my shyt iz goin through my head riite n0ow & idk wut d0o 2 or think....newayzZZ...
Posted by i L♥VE Y♥U S♥ on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:10:00 PST