My grandfathers
I love all genres of music but I listen mostly to hip hop. I like different music for different situations.
The Color Purple and The Joy Luck Club are amazing; they both show the struggles that women have faced. Scary movies give me nightmares so I usually stick with comedies.
HBO has the best shows on Sunday night - Sex and the City (I know it is over but I have all of the episodes on DVD), The Sopranos, Entrouge, and Big Love. I watch the Today show in the morning before work and when I am off on Fridays I gotta watch Oprah (cuz she kicks ass).
I mostly read books in the summer (since I read tons of news articles during work) so I tend to pick up easy reads like The Hookup Handbook and The Boy Next Door. (Or I read whatever book my sister gives me.) My three favorites of all time are The Outsiders, The Notebook, and To Kill a Mockingbird. I also love fashion magazines and Time.
My parents - duh! I wouldn't be the woman I am today without them. Ohhh and a shout out to my great grandparents for leaving Ireland and hoppin on that boat and coming to America!!!