...::About Me::...
Full Name:: Pierre
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: black
Height:: 5'4
Shoe Size:: 8
Ring Size:: idk
Heritage:: nigga
Graduating Year:: 2010
Birthdate:: semptember 3
Zodiac Sign::
Concert:: The puddle of mud
Best Friend:: My Brother
Crush:: nikki
Pet:: dog
Sport:: Baseball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived:: no
Bungee Jumped:: no
Gone out of the Country:: yea
Beaten Someone Up:: no
Gotten Beat Up:: no
Killed an Animal:: yea
Swam in the Ocean:: no
Broke the Law:: yea
Smoked:: no
Chewed Tobacco:: no
Drank:: no
Been Kissed:: yea
Been In Love:: yea
Dumped Someone:: yea
Been Dumped:: yea
Broken Someone's heart:: yea
Had Your Heart Broken:: naaaaaa
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back:: no
Broken A Bone:: yea
Had Surgery:: yea
Had an X-ray or MRI:: yea
Failed a Class:: yea
Color:: black
Food:: chicken
Drink:: sprite remix
Snack:: pepermint
Cereal:: frosted flakes
Ice Cream:: cookies n cream
Candy:: werthers original
Restaurant:: ruby tuesday
Fast Food Place:: mcd's
Store:: mall
Animal:: deer
Quote:: Try me
Sport To Play:: football
Sport To Watch:: football
Movie: baller blockin
TV Show:: ESPN
Type Of Music:: country
Band:: cash money
Singer:: baby
Song:: go dj
Pepsi or Coke:: pep pep
Vanilla or Chocolate:: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream:: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King:: burger king
Love or Money:: love
Music or TV:: tv
Cat or Dog:: dog
Mom or Dad:: dad
Truck or Car:: truck
Ocean or Lake:: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail:: none
Google or AJ:: idk
Light or Dark:: dark
Country or City:: country
Rain or Sunshine:: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice:: butt
Personality or Looks:: looks
Hair Color:: green
Eye Color:: blue
Short or Tall:: short
Romanic or Spontaneous:: romanic
Sense of Humor or Sweet:: sweet
Hook up or Relationship:: relationship
Feeling:: happy
Listening To:: nothin
Wanna:: fuck
Doing Besides Typing:: sitting
Thinking About:: My baby gurl
Wearing:: black
In Love:: yea
Single:: no
Best Friends:: yea
...::The Future::...
Career:: nfl
Marriage:: with my gurl
Kids:: a boii
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