ThErE iS nOtHiNg So StRoNg As GeNtLeNeSs AnD nOtHiNg So GeNtLe As ReAL StReNgTh." -De Sales..................................... msprm name="movie" value="http:// /v/I7gz_jfiXas&hl=en" /> ....gif" alt="MySpace Layouts" title="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;">
Myspace Layouts at / Moon light xxg
I dig MUSIC! It doesn't get much better than shakin' what yo mama gave ya at a live show! I try to be as optamistic as possible and do my best not to worry too much about things that are out of my control...or in my control, for that matter....Not to say that I'm Un-AwArE of the CrAzYnEsS that is going down 'round our WoRLd and the importance of recognizing and taking part in making it better! :( ...I love to laugh! I cuss a whole lot...I really should do somethin' about that shit! FuCk :) I'm extremely laid back, don't do drama...Life's too damn short...I aspire to be more socially concious, always...As one of GoDs MaGniFiCeNt creations...I believe humility and compassion is what it's all about... :) ...I've got an incredible family, amazing friends...I'm BLeSsEd to have so many beautiful souls in my life. I'm a nanny, I LoVe my job :) ...No children of my own...Except of course, IvY...My perfect little Peekinese...So sweet, my baby girl! Also, my brother and I are the proud parents of HaBiBi...our adorable birdy...Hmmm...A few things I'm hung up on these days....MUSIC...yeah, yeah...never can say that enough! My Djembe, 'InDiGo'...My Knife, never leave home without it...Nag Champa...Sweet Smelling Oils...The SUN...Downtown Austin...Um, I do LoVe my VoDkA :)...People watching is most deffinately an enjoyable past time...Always proves to be fucking crazy entertaining! :) , My ride, AkA, My bike yo!...My Dictionary, Websters-Encyclopedic Edition, it so rocks!...Plants, lots of 'em...Fresh cut flowers...ToTaL, recieving...just being in their presence...I LOVE THEM!!!...anyone who knows me is very aware of my GLiTtEr AdDiCtIoN :) ...if you've been in my presence, somehow, some will find GLiTtEr on YoU somewhere :) has been going on an upwards of 10 years...i can safely say this WiLL continue!...MaKeS me HaPpY!... A cozy environment I can call my own...I love to run around barefoot and aspire to someday master yoga:)...I have crazy FaiTh that GODs got my's challenges are a bit more manageble than I'd imagine they would be without Him... "If you hear a voice within you say, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint…and that voice will be silenced." -Vincent Van Gogh <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="344" width="425" data="