These are the bestest girlies in the WHOLE WORLD:D!!!! LOVE YOU ALL BILLIONS XXXXXXXXXXXXHey,im
i am also known as SEXY L, worwa, martha,marfff lau, lau lau!!
im in year 13(last year whooo), Olchfa sixth form doing health&social care, psychology and art...but ill be glad to finish now!!
i work in Stuart's Hot Bread shop in Killay and i also go dancing
:D:D I love my dancie girlies millions
:D:D they mean the world to me and i would be soooooooooo lost with out them!!!!
Build your own Blingee
FLIC-( sexy F)she is cute:D she laughs a lot too and we look after each other dont we lol?.I can always count on her and she always has time for me.
we have had some funny moments together like the bath incident:P BILL&BEN's and grampa!! haha yooouuu!! I love spending time with her and we always have the GREEEAAAST times in town :P:D. i just can wait until our SEXY HOLIDAY next summer :D
Life just wouldnt be the same with out you =)
RHI RHI-(sexy R)rhi rhi is amazing i love her sooooo much!!!
she is a twinkling (*)star(*)we have a right giggle when we are together and shes always smiling :D:D
i love rhi rhi's cuddles and she just brightens up my day :) the only thing i wish is that she lived closer so that i could see her more often....i miss her tooo much :(
I love my likle Susan ( Rachie Lewis) n she calls me Martha...its a long story!!
We have grown up together and i can totally trust her!!
We HATE PENNY dont we haha but hopefully my poster will help to catch her!what to you reckon?
:P we have fun on holidays together and we just.....well love each other =)
we had a great holiday his year i we will dearly miss MEEEWW MEWWWHHH :(