I've tried to go on like I never knew you, I'm awake but my world is half alseep, I pray for this he

About Me

My score on The Which Chemical Element Am I Test :
(You scored 39 Mass, 27 Electronegativity, 67 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!)
Yttrium? Yttrium??? You're messing with me, right? That's not a real element. Really? If you say so. Okay... how about: You are really a solitary creature, and you're somewhat set in your ways. You work, consciously or subconsciously, towards the betterment of society, but I guess you do this by befriending it's strangest elements. You're kind of a spaceman/woman, but in the end you're allright. You should try to be with the benign weirdos of the world because, by goodness, no one else will. Oh, it says here that you are abundant on the moon. Interpret as you will.
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test ( OkCupid Free Online Dating )
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people, everyone is so different yet so much the same It's crazy!!!
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I'd like to meet:

Jesus and maybe the guy that created all of those smiley faces for yahoo messenger those things are so damn cute sometimesKevin Brennan

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everything!!!It's goin Down

Add to My Profile | More VideosIts meatloaf come on! I Would Do Anything For love

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♥ BOONDOCK SAINTS ♥ American History X, Armegeddon, Finding Nemo, Friday, Napolean Dynamite, Anchorman, Thirteen Ghosts, There are so many I could go on forever!!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Kevin Brennan Hbo's One Night stand, CSI Boy neets world

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My Blog

It never goes away...

It never goes away, The pain from our loss is here to stay, Everyday I miss you, I wish it wasn't true, Even though its been 8 long years, Its not enough to dry my tears, I never would ...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:40:00 PST

Life goes on...maybe?

Why am I not enough to live for? How come you aren't willing to suffer through this horrible thing that we call life, just because I need you? This very wretched life that YOU brought to me! I di...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:02:00 PST

I wonder...

So we all know that I wonder about a lot of things. lol One thing I have been wondering about is what makes a person who they are? One thing I don't get is when people are constantly worrying about th...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:36:00 PST

I just don't get it

So I don't get it. I don't understand people. I don't understand life especially mine. I wouldn't consider myself that much of a christian anymore, mostly due to my confusion on god and if he exists a...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 04:41:00 PST

I hate you

I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair I hate the way you drive my car I hate it when you stare I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind I hate you so m...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 04:10:00 PST

This little ol' thing we call life

So I don't get it. Is life supposed to be this hard to figure out? How come it seems like every time you get something figured out something else becomes a blur? I don't understand how come when ...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:24:00 PST


yeah so I labeled this one hmmmph too but whatever. so I have realized that things aren't always going to happen the way you want, but some people do end up being more respectful than I orig...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:55:00 PST


So can someone please help me with something? Why does it seem that the one you want to call you is the only one that doesn't? I mean is it my fault? Did I do something wrong? I am so sick and tired o...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:05:00 PST

hands down

Breathe in for luck,breathe in so deep,this air is blessed,you share with me.This night is wild,so calm and dull,these hearts they race,from self control.Your legs are smooth,as they graze mine,we're ...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 06:56:00 PST


i always figured there was something wrong with me, you know, because i couldn't make it work. maybe not. because - i'm like cookie dough. i'm not done baking. i'm not finished becoming whatever the h...
Posted by YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 04:27:00 PST