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About Me

I am a Christian...Follower of Jesus Christ. Not a wanna be, that say they are and do whatever they want to do (called selfishness). What can I say...I am definitely different...I say Unique...but others may say weird, crazy, and ADHDDDDDHHDHDHDHDHDDD.

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I got my contact table at Christian Contact Tables .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Paul, because he was a vessel that God used to be an extraordinary man of God. And I would like to ask him what he meant in most of his writings in the Bible. Can't wait to meet Jesus Christ the Saviour of my life, the true Son of God, who was born of the virgin Mary and lived a sinless life, that is fully God and fully man, who was beaten and crucified on the CROSS for the sins of the world so that we can have a real relationship with God, and rose again the third day from the grave and ascended to Heaven and right now is on the Right hand of God. Now that is a true man and Saviour to do all of that for every single person in the whole world, from the past to the future. Nobody can tell me he isn't real, because He changed my ife (he can change yours) and He is evident today...everyday. The disciples, because they died horrible deaths in the name of Jesus. If Jesus is not real, why would the disciples (and Stephen, Martyrs) die over a supposedly lie? Because it wasn't. Glory to God. Can't wait to meet God either. He is the Creator and who else knows all but HIM.
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My Blog


"I AM" I was regretting the past, Fearing the future Then suddenly& my Lord was speaking, My name is I AM. He paused. I waited. He continued. When you live in the past, with its mistakes and regr...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 07:46:00 GMT