J-Rock, Club Extraordinaire profile picture

J-Rock, Club Extraordinaire

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a simple person to know, My name is Jared, call me J. I work at CVS/Pharmacy, and this job ain't the business. As u see I'm over 21, so u can assume that I go out to the clubs and bars and all that good shit. I usually chill wit my nigga Ray aka Just Ray, aka Lil' Ray Ray. That's my white nigga for life. My lil Brotha Justin, the coolest person u can chill wit, cuz he chilled and can be goofy at times. My nigga LUIS!!!! He the enforcer of the group, he been known to knock out a nigga or two, so I wouldn't fuck wit him, lol. We all like to chill and just bullshit. GOOD TIMES. Besides all that if there's anything else u need to know about, just drop me a comment or something and I'll let u know what it is. But, for now enjoy my page. Peace out. By the way. music layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

Psychology of the Human mind, but besides that I like to go to movies. play pool at space invaders. I like to go bowling and just act a fo wit my friends. I've been going out to clubs lately since I turned 21. Also, I really like to go to school to chill with my tri high crew, and get my education. Shout out to the MINORITY CREW.
What alcohol are you??

You are a laid back and relaxed drinker! Patrone is one of the most finest tequillas known! It also shows you have a very expensive taste on your tongue!!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from TestrifficYour results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 70% Superman 60% The Flash 60% Iron Man 50% Supergirl 45% Robin 45% Catwoman 45% Wonder Woman 40% Hulk 35% Batman 20% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

I'd like to meet:

God, Al Pacino, and the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with.

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname J-Rock
Sex HE'S A BOY!!!!!
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Height 6'0
Favorite Color Blue
Screen Name J-Rock
Your Car 2001 Alero
Your Hometown Cleveland
Your Present Town C-town
Your Crush's First Name ......
Your Grade ......
Your Style Kind, but Cold


Band UGK
Movie 300
TV show Family Guy
Song International Players Anthem
Color Blue
Cigarette Newports
Pastime Take Ur Pick

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop Yesssiirrr!!!
Kissed someone in the rain Not Yet
Danced in a public place Who hasn't
Smiled for no reason All the time
Laughed so hard you cried Man, that day was funny
Peed your pants after age 8 Can't say that I have
Written a song Every once in awhile, never went big though
Sang to someone for no reason All the time
Performed on a stage 3rd grade play,
Talked to someone you don't know All the time, What can I say, I'm very social
Made out in a theater ...wouldn't u like to know. lol
Gone roller skating since 8th grade Yeah, wasn't too fun though
Been in love Yeah, It's a great feelin while it lasts
A near death experience Nothin recent.
Sang in front of a large audience 3rd grade play

...Can You...

Write with both hands yeah, but the left doesn't look so good
Whistle a lil bit
Blow a bubble Yeesssiiirrr, I'm the master
Roll your tongue I guess so
Cross your eyes Who can't
Touch your tongue to your nose Nope siiirrr
Dance U gotta see me in the club
Speak a different language Spanglish, and bad english
Impersonate someone Sean Connery, ask gigi
Cook anything I can cook a couple of things

...Are you...

Fighter When I have to be
Smoker Sadly yeah
Drinker yeah
Stalker On some days of the month. lol J/P
Man eater Why would I do that
Man hater Hell no
Lover Yeeesssiiirrr!!!
War freak Hell naw, All I know is that war is fucked up
Heartbreaker Nope
In love Not at the moment
Bossy Hell no
Friendly Sadly yeah


What is your current mood? So-So
Does your crush like you back? Deep down, I believe so
What makes you happy? My friends and family
Elaborate on your default photo Me and Big Tony, simple
Name one thing you do a lot Give advice to people
Name someone with the same b-day as you My friends Tim and and Armando, the constitution
Are you comfortable with your height I love my height

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... Prick, people would like me more. lol
I wish ... I wasn't the nice guy that I am
So many people don't know ... My potential
I am ... a confident person
My heart is ... beating regularly thank U
Pet Peeves ... I don't have any.
Take this survey @ www.hot-lyts.com!


I really love Hip Hop/R&B, but I also love Rock, Alternative, and if I'm in the dancing mood, I'll listen to some Techno. (Thanks Georgia, and Brian!!!) .. width="425" height="350" ..


Horror Comedy Action Stand ups Animation Drama


I don't watch much television, but I have to say that I like Family Guy, That 70's Show, and Chappelle's Show
What r u gonna be rollin in in 10 years?

McLaren F1
Expensive cars with speed is ur game...this McLaren F1 is ur car
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com


Any Book by Maya Angelu, but most of the time, I', reading books from school.
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The Music J-Rock

Quiz created with MemeGen !


My Parents, God, and hopefully I can become a hero to someone else in the future.
What Video Game Swordsman R U?

You are a hero that everyone looks up to and you will fight for your loved ones! and most importantly you value friendship it also plays a big part in your life!
How do you compare?
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Whick Devil may cry character are you

You have a deep hate for a close friend or family member and have an "In-your-face" attitude.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Which Metal Gear Series Character are you???

Solid Snake
Tough, and not afraid of death. You like to fight using any weapons you have, mainly guns. You are usually tough but when you might actually get scared, you have your trusty cardboard box to keep you safe.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic