Hello my name is Wendy.Im a mother of two great kids Kayla, and Mason.
Iam a member of the W.P.R.A association,I travel to pro rodeos and compete. I also belong to alot of jackpot barrel racing associations.I have won numerous titles,saddles,buckles and money.
I work and manage a high school farm
We raise pigs, sheep, hay, and almonds. Love helping the kids not only do they learn from me.I learn alot from them as well. It has been a very rewarding job. A few weeks ago I was hurt at work pretty bad. Tore my acl in half and other tendons in my knee. I am currently at home waiting for the workmans comp to ok the surgery.They are going to do a knee replacement. I will be out a whole year to heal and do physical therapy. SO my barrel racing days are on hold awhile. My grey gelding tie has had his shoes pulled and is out to pasture for a little rest. Suds is being ran still by my mom till she gets her colts going. I think I have some of the greatest friends in the world. They have been so supportive, helped out so much always checking up on me. Life has teached me alot, to think of others before myself, to slow down and take every moment in and enjoy it, and to not let the set backs and all the other hands that are dealt get me down. There is always a reason why it happens. I still have alot to learn and alot of life still to live.
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