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Josh and Elena

If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. - Ecclesiastes 11:4

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Welcome! We are Josh and Elena Millwood. We just moved to Canton, GA - leaving behind our old home New Orleans. Life is a new adventure for us, and I'll blog regularly about it.

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Josh and Elena Millwood

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Reviews for the Masses ...
but decidedly Protestant
Evan Almighty - Sunday School with a PG rating
This movies was painfully unoffensive - to the point that it sacrificed laughs - particularly the type of laughs generated in the first "Almighty" movie. It was by no means a "bad" movie ... it just wasn't particularly "good" either.
I enjoyed the few chuckles it offered. Morgan Friedman was "divine" ... heh ... now THAT was funny! I had hoped for more from Lauren Graham - I think perhaps her experience filming this movie must be the reason the final season of Gilmore Girls was so unfunny. I don't really know how that analysis makes any sense though ...
All in all, it wasn't bad - but let us hope this is the last in the "Almighty" series ... though I think a funny title for a third edition might be "Jesus H. Christ" ... maybe explore that middle initial that made its way into American vocabulary.
The Trilogy Weekend
This weekend - our first weekend back in New Orleans - was filled with good times. Given the extreme heat, we had the chance to go see a couple of movies this weekend with friends (that sounds nice ... having friends again).
This was the weekend for finishing trilogies - both Pirates of the Caribbean and Oceans 13. Surprisingly (because I go into sequels expecting duds) these movies proved to be highly entertaining! Surprise! I guess part of it was the company - but the movies were good.
Both were funny - both drew on past experiences in the franchises - and BOTH were better than BOTH of the #2 movies of their series.
Another surprise - I actually liked Orlando Bloom in the third Pirates film! I found him particularly weak in the 2nd movies, but this time - he was a flippin' pirate! Way to go nancy boy!
Previews were a bit of a let down though ... seriously, a "Bratz" movie?! What the ...
Spider-man 3: Sequelitus
I hate that I didn't enjoy the new Spider-man movie. I loved the first two and had high hopes (although not unrealistic hopes) for the third ... but I was let down.
The story was ... benign. The other two really stuck to some great plot detail from the old cartoons and comics, where Spider-man 3 decided to do too much. Whose idea was it to cast Topher Grace (Eric Forman of That 70s Show) to play Venom? Venom doesn't make snappy quips while he wrips your limbs off ... he's supposed to be scary!
This is by far the weakest of the trilogy ... and I think the movie producers knew it. I think they realized that we would all drop our hard earned dime on tickets and totally gave into sequelitus ... movies to make money instead of telling a good story.
This was awesome. It wasn't cinematic history. It won't make my Top 10 list ... but it was awesome.
Do you remember marshmallows on pizza? Do you remember using "cowabunga!" in everyday speech? Well I do ... so that is why this movie was awesome.
The animation was cool, the story was cool, and the attitude ... it was all turtle!
I did miss Vanilla Ice's "Go Ninja Go" though ... alas, there is always the sequel.
Blades of Glory
After reading rave reviews on this movie, I was optimistic. Could this be the next Dodgeball? The next Anchorman?
Nope. It was more along the lines of The Benchwarmers (which was pretty dang funny, but not a glorious comedic masterpiece). It was a lot of fun, and thankfully funnier than Talladega Nights ... which I didn't like at all.
I think Will Farrell's appeal is beginning to wear thin for me. The supporting cast was great in this movie and there were several very funny scenes ... especially the North Korean figure skating accident ... that was awesome.
Advice: wait for the DVD.
I'm a History Major ... so of course I had to go see 300 ... not to mention it looked incredibly rad in all the previews.
Consensus? It was OK. Not great - not bad - gory (as expected) and visually interesting ... but it wasn't AMAZING.
The story is cool - inspiring - and offers some interesting parrallels to the War on Terror. Still, I have to question whether or not it was work $12 for two tickets to watch half naked men swing swords for 2 hours.
Honestly ... I'd recommend renting (or tuning into TNT any Saturday night) Russell Crowe's Gladiator before dropping the coin for 300. Gladiator was a better overall movie ... in my opinion.
You, of course, are entitled to your own (wrong) opinion.
Bridge to Terabithia
It's a different, and refreshing way to experience the movies - surrounded by "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" children.
Bridge to Terabithia was wonderful. Slow at times, not at all what I expected going in, and full of heart. Bring Kleenex.
Elena and I were both red-eyed after crying through the tragic 3rd Act. Even though it has its sad moments, this movie is incredibly uplifting.
This movie reminds me of how Secondhand Lions and The Explorers made me feel. "Good" movies ...
Catch and Release
Jennifer Garner pouts those lips again in the emotional dramady, "Catch & Release." A movie that makes you cry almost as much as it attempts for a chuckle.
This movie actually surprised me - it was genuine in every sense of the word. Granted, I am partial to the rantings of Kevin Smith, so I'm a little biased, this movie was really very good.
I don't recommend going to see it if you are feeling down. But if the Paxil is working, you might enjoy this sweet movie.
It's not Puff the Magic Dragon ... it's Eragon!
It's a familiar story about a special boy with no father, who must rise up and lead the repressed people against an evil Empire.
It was cooler when it was called Star Wars and had lightsabers, but it wasn't all bad.
Rachel Weiss was the voice of the dragon (or the dragon's mind) which made me daydream about The Mummy, which was awesome ...
Night At The Museum
It might not be the greatest compliment, but it was my first reaction coming out of Night At The Museum:
"Gee, Gaylord Focker didn't annoy me so much in this movie ..."
Night At The Museum is silly fun. It won't win any awards ... except maybe a Nickelodeon Slime Award ... if such a thing exists, but it made us smile and laugh.
This is primarily a kids' movie. The laughs are sweet and never gross and the supporting cast was a lot of fun.
They don't make them like they used to ...
At least that is the message of The Holiday.
Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz, and Jude Law come together for a sweet movie about love, situated over the holidays. It isn't really a "Christmas movie" - but it is full of charm.
Kate Winslet plays "frumpy" quite well and Jude Law is the idealic match for the high strung Diaz.
We smiled through this sweet spirited Winter movie ... all two and a half hours of it.
It's probably a renter to most folks, but if you find life a little uninspired and need a "hug" in movie form, we recommend it.
James Bond has an itch ...
James Bond is going to kick your butt. Seriously. Casino Royale plays out with more ferocity than any so far. At times, I wasn't sure if I was watching James Bond or Jack Bauer!
Not only does Daniel Craig make most of the other Bonds look like Milhouse from The Simpsons - but Eva Green as Vesper Lynd is by far the most complicated and hottest Bond girl ever.
The pacing of Casino Royale can be tedious at times - much like older Connery Bond flicks - but it ends with the promise of a new generation of Bond films that make you gasp in awe, rather than squirm at the unlikeliness of an invisible Aston Martin.
Merry Christmas!
OK - so I think Tim Allen is a great Santa Claus, but I really did not like the 2nd Santa Clause movie. Much to my relief, this final sequel was delightfully Christmassy!
Though this sequel is missing the awesome Barnard (who is apparently too busy with Numbers to deliver to his real fans, who only ever watched Numbers because it was staring Barnard ...) the Escape Clause is a lot of fun.
The little red-headed girl (Scott Calvin's ex-wife's daughter with Neil) steals the show with a cuteness factor that warms your heart ... which is ironic because her "super Christmas power" is an extremely warm hug ...
No, it's probably not destined to be a Christmas classic, but it will make the Millwood Christmas movie list for years to come.
And seriously ... can you imagine being on the set with Tim Allen and Martin Short goofing off constantly?! Awesome!
Sometimes you have to learn a lesson the hard way. Let me save you from mis-spending your money - DO NOT go see Borat. It will make you dumber and sick. The previews contain 98% of what is funny in this movie.
1 part Kutcher, 2 parts Costner and presto-change-o:
The Boring. I mean Guardian.
This movie, while a beautiful recruitment film, is long for those of us that have never been to boot camp ... or ever wanted to watch 2 hours about boot camp. This movie was a bit of a snoozer.
Kevin and Emily - our Coast Guardian friends - loved it. We salute them.
Screw the rising cost of oil - there are better reasons not to fly ... like: Snakes on a Plane!
Without much of a fight, Elena agreed to go see this ... and boy were we in for a treat! If you miss your chance to see this in a crowded theater, then you have missed THE movie experience of the summer.
This movie is seriously a LOT of fun. It's rated R for a reason, but I have not had this much fun in a movie in a long time.
That's right - we went to go see Beerfest, and you know what? It was exactly as you would expect it to be. Gross - disturbing - and on occasion, pretty darn funny.
As you can imagine, it is a "guy" movie though. Kevin and I made it a double-date night ... I'm not sure if Elena and Emily have yet forgiven us.
Talladega Nights
The ballad of Ricky Bobby was sung karoake style.
There were some laughs, most without guilt, but this movie fell far short of the "Anchorman" standard set by Will Farrell and crew.
Unlike "Anchorman" - I didn't care enough about these characters to mind them getting hurt. Plus the full length Applebees commercial in the middle of the movie was less of a statement on American product placement than it was just simply product placement.
Having driven by Talladega Speedway on raceday I have a hard time imagining that world as fun or funny, so I'm not the best judge as to whether or not you will like this movie. But I expect more from this writing team than I got this time.
At least it wasn't as bad as "Kicking and Screaming."
Chica en el Agua
Spoiler Alert!
Bruce Willis is a ghost!
M. Night Shamalamadingdong's latest adventure takes us to the mythical land of a Philidelphia Apartment Complex.
I think that sentence pretty much sums up the bottled intensity this "film" brings to your local theater.
Elena and many of our friends are quick to give this movie a thumbs up. I have another finger in mind.
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Sequel
The crew of the Black Pearl fight a giant squid seamonster over and over again.
The End.
If you enjoyed the first one, this movie has a lot of similar aspects that make you laugh and jump and clutch your coke icee in anticipation.
I think perhaps the two and a half hours of build up for the third movie (which doesn't come out until next May)was a tad bit much, though.
My good friend Kevin also pointed out that in this movie Keira Knightley bares a striking resemblance to a young Elijah Wood - just not as feminine.
Still - this movie made well over $100 Million on the opening weekend for a reason. It offers a lot of fun to a wide audience. It's a great way to beat the heat and lighten your wallet.
Superman Returns has already claimed $47 of my budget this month.I loved this movie. We've seen it twice (once on IMAX 3D). We'll buy the Special Edition DVD's and I hope to get some adult-sized onesie jammies with attachable cape.
Superman Returns is fantastic. Even though it is over two and half hours long you leave the theater looking forward to the continuation of the story.
Brandon Routh doesn't speak much, but if you ask Elena she'll say he doesn't have too. Superman was never very wordy anyways.
One weird item to look for - Lois Lane has one brown eye and one blue eye thanks to a rather odd genetic issue of Kate Bosworth's. With computer technology where it is today don't you think they could do something about that? It kind of weirds me out.
A thoroughly enjoyable romp. How's that for a clip for the preview? "Romp" is a great word in its own right, but throw in the "thoroughly" and you have what I like to call "literature."
Just go see it and ignore the bad press. Yes, it is incredibly stupid AND yes, you will laugh through the whole thing like a little third grader!
A Prairie Home Companion
This movie brings out the adorable old man in me! It was fantastic and made me smile for 2 solid hours.
Elena on the other hand was bored to tears. If you are a fan of the radio show, you will love it.
If you have fond memories of your grandfather you will love it.
If you have ADD you will start jabbing things into your fingernails out of boredom.
The Break-Up Staring Vaughniston
It's the romantic comedy of the summer! Hooray! Oh wait ... no ... it just sucked.
The best part about this movie was that I got ice cream after it was over. Elena was so emotionally invested in this couple and was ultimately let down so harshly that chocolate nirvana at Cold Stone was perhaps a marriage saver.
I tell the truth - this movie has like 4 funny moments. I wouldn't even rent it. We should have seen "Cars."
X3: The Final Boxoffice Stand
Wolverine is played by a prancing, singing, Tony Award winning, nancy-boy ... yet I cannot look away ... that sounded a little gay didn't it?
This movie was alright. It wasn't magnificent, but it was entertaining. Poor Jean Grey is not only alive, but completely psychotic. I won't spoil any of the big twists - but if you do go see it, stay for a special after-credits clip that sets up future spin-offs.
I think X2 was better, but alas - I love a good comic book movie. It doesn't have to revolutionize the film industry to be entertaining. It won't win any Academy Awards because there are no gay cowboys making out in it - but it will probably win some MTV Movie Awards because its got Hugh and Halle in it.
The DaVinci Code + Orange Soda = Joe Versus Jesuscano
One review I read about this movie (which I DID see and God has not yet smitted/smote me) said "Who knew controversy could be so boring." DING DING DING! We have a winner! Whoever said that hit the nail squarely into the cross ... I mean on the head.
All in all, the acting wasn't bad. The story, though crazy, was intense for Elena (she hasn't read the book yet).
But it was also very looong. The awkward dialogue was occasionally interrupted with short spurts of choppy action of the quality one might expect on a UPN drama. The feeble attempts at humor were so weak that you might laugh at them trying to make you laugh.
If you want to understand the "controversy" and enjoy a good story - just read the book. Besides, the previews were sucky.
Mission Impossible III Spoiler Alert!
Tom Cruise DIES!
Don't believe me? Go see it. It's one of the more gratifying scenes of the movie. We actually really enjoyed this movie. Our main man J.J. Abrams directed it - so seeing all the years of Alias and Lost unfold in a cool spy movie was well worth the price of admission.
I would venture to say it is the best out of the three - the first being a great movie and the second being an embarassment to mankind.
Coming Soon!
Elena will be writing the review for "Take the Lead" for two reason:
1. Elena loves Antonio ... ahhh ... he's too sexy!
2. Elena liked the movie enough to give it the time of day where as Josh ... did not.
The Benchwarmers
You might find this hard to believe ... or maybe not, depending on your overall taste in movies - but The Benchwarmers was actually very funny and sweet. Seriously. I'm not lying. It is not Duece Bigalow 3 or Napoleon Dynamite Plays Baseball or Tommy Boy Minus Farley ... it's like a margarita of all of those, with robot butlers and Kit from Knightrider.
We really enjoyed the stupid gags and silly slap-stick. The move has heart and looked like the people who made it genuinely had a great time making it. Those movies are always a great way to spice up a monotone weekend and make you smile for a couple of hours.
John Lovitz actually sums the movie up in the last line of the movie - "This was a complete waste of time, wasn't it?" It was - and a lot of fun too.
Harmless fun with Shakespeare
Amanda Bines is cute. Seriously. Perhaps a little too cute to impersonate a dude, though the actor playing her brother might be a little too "pretty" to really be a dude ... This movie leaves you a little perplexed about the line between the sexes (besides the obvious ... err ... line ... heh). It was good dumb fun though - and gave Elena and I a nice Thursday night smile.
Based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night - the story trades battles for soccer with random Bill Shakespeare references that seem like an afterthought. The move isn't great - but when it hits DVD (probably in like 3 weeks) it is a fun renter out of love for Amanda's slapstick overacting - which reminds me of Lucille Ball a bit ... but way hotter.
How to Glamourize Terrorism by the Wakowski Brothers
V For Vendetta
I friggin' LOVED this movie. It was fun, funny, intense, and I really wish I had all v-words to use as adjectives. It is rated R for language and violence. It is not for children, certainly, but for adults and older teenagers it is very entertaining.
Not only visually stunning, the story is beautifully told (except for a little too much focus on homosexual predjudice). There are some moments where you wish you were a part of the rebellion and others that you feel for the police and others that are manipulated by the government.
Don't bother trying to tie in the story to current politics. It is a waste of time and will prevent you from enjoying the theatrics of the plot. It really is not applicable to modern day policies and events. The movie is Orwellian in its look at the near future and does a great job of stirring up the simple idea that any government only has as much power as the people are willing to give it - and they have the right and responsibility to demand freedom.
Not that it makes any difference to the plot, but V uses ninja psi's as his weapons of choice in hand to hand combat and that is cool ... cause Raphael on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles used psi's too ... Turtle Power!
I saw New Orleans in a movie! It wasn't messy post-Katrina Nuevo Orleans, but home - as it once was. It helped that the movie wasn't terrible either. My friend Emily Ray told me that a while back she decided to go to every movie with incredibly low expectations so that sometimes she is treated to a pleasant surprise. That was the case for "Failure to Launch." The best part about this movie was the supporting cast. There is a funny side story about alcoholism and killing a Mockingbird (pun intended gratuitously) that helps move the story along.
I must warn you about a painfully long nude scene ... with Terry Bradshaw. Yeah, you read that right - the crazy football commentator likes to show off his "assets" which could be viewed as a risky move for his debut movie.
Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker get a little old after a while, but the supporting cast relieves that burden quite well - including the guy who played Will in Alias and the jerk boyfriend in Wedding Crashers. Elena just calls him Will.
Is there some organization out there determined to lure me into a movie by mildly funny previews, only to gross me out and make me regret having a car - which allows me to transport myself to a movie theater? Oh ... wait ... I guess that is just Hollywood.
Poor Allyson Hannigan. She gets herself into terrible situations when it comes to her profession. She needed money, I guess, so someone told her it was a good idea for her to do 3 American Pie movies. Buffy was slacking for the 4th season so they decided to make Willow gay. And now, she apparently had no better offer on the table than to make perhaps the world's most boring, unfunny spoof ... ever. I'm talking "worse than a Wayans Brother film" here ... it's really that bad.
Seriously, this movie just sucks. It is unfunny. It is boring. And the worst part about it? Elena knew it would suck and be unfunny before I dragged her in there. Now I'm going to have to go see some chick flick about mermaids or gymnists to make it up to her.
Whatever you do, do NOT go see The Pink Panther. It breaks my heart to warn you off of this movie that I have been anticipating for nearly a year, but unfortunately it was impressively awful. Badly written/Badly acted/and worst of all, no good previews.
Steve Martin gives one of his least funny performances ever in this tragedy of a remake. My advice to you is to go and rent the Peter Sellers 1963 "Pink Panther" and laugh at the true Inspector Clouseau.
I think perhaps, this movie might have been funnier if it had been about a gay black rights activist ... get it? The "Pink" [Black] Panther ... I thought it was hilarious.
Need a delightful movie, friendly to both the eyes and the heart? Than you should seriously consider never admitting to smiling at that gut wrenching cliche I just typed. UUGH! Shake it off ... brrrrr.
Nanny McPhee was actually a good movie. Seriously. I know, you doubt it. How could a movie about rotten "Von Trapp-esque" children getting magically disciplined by a horridly ugly Mary Poppins figure be wonderfully entertaining? Well it really was. It was not the greatest movie ever, but good for some laughs and genuine smiles.
The previews do an excellent job of giving away most of the funniest parts, but there are moments of dark humor mixed in with the hijinks of the spoiled children that make for a really good time.
Josh and Elena's Renter Pick of the Month
"Just Like Heaven"
Reese Witherspoon and Mark Girrafologofilia ... or something like that, were very cute in this often serious, continually sweet romantic comedy. It's a great Friday Night date movie. Elena cried. Then again ... she cries during particularly well made Chevrolet commercials ...
Want to laugh at 80's movie references while enjoying a fractured fairytale-crime drama? Look no further than "Hoodwinked." Is this movie stupid? Yes. Is this movie hilarious in the fashion of "The Emperor's New Groove"? Absolutely. Will you laugh your way through the entire movie? That depends on what time of night you go - with whom you go - how much caffeine you've had - how low brow your sense of humor is - uhm ... yeah ... I liked it a lot, so let that be your guide.
I just got back from seeing Hoodwinked (think CSI: Little Red Riding Hood) and loved it. It has its slow points and pretty weak computer animation, but the writing was superb and just random enough for me to wish I had been a part of that writing staff.
Expect plenty of movie-pop culture references and a lot of dry humor. It might just be a renter and not a $20 at the movie theater event, but if you need a laugh this movie will certainly make you smile. It isn't the funniest movie ever, but it was certainly a needed laugh tonight.
Elena and I recently saw "Casanova" with Heath "Gay Cowboy" Ledger and I must say it was an excellent date movie. Oliver Platt and Leno Olin stole the show. We are, however, perplexed at the movie's "R" rating. There was almost no profanity and no nudity. Of course it was full of period sexual references, but none were outlandish or gross. It was a lot of fun and I'd much rather see Heath Ledger kissing Sienna Miller than Jake Gyllenhaal.
Netflixed Off:
Other Movie Experiences Worth Mentioning
Why do "smart movies" have to use so much profanity?
Recently I've seen two of what I like to call "smart movies." I call them that because usually the story requires some thinking - you have to actually listen to the dialog and sometimes, the movies even assume that you can figure out some stuff on your own ...
Like most Americans, I usually avoid having to think while watching a movie. I'm not a "film fan" - I'm a MOVIE fan - two totally different things. But sometimes I like to enjoy a movie that toys with reality - that mocks society - that delves into espionage ...
Recently I watched both "Thank You For Smoking" and "The Good Shepard" and enjoyed them both. They have their drawbacks - being R rated allowed them to use language I don't support - but the stories were excellent and well told.
Beware of Arthur and The Invisibles!
Freddie Highmore just isn't as cute as he used to be ... and this movie was decidedly un-American.
Not un-American like a terrorist, or women who don't shave their armpits - but shot in a frantic and linguistically awkward way that wreaks of French sensibilities.
I will admit that I was put off by the fact that the love story was voiced between Freddie Highmore (pushing 12 years old) and Madonna (pushing AARP membership). That just made the whole thing groady to me.
Children might find this more enjoyable, but I'm a member of the Pixar generation that goes into animated movies expecting enough adult-minded comedy to make it more than worthwhile my time and money.
I guess I need to lower my standards ...



America's Next Top Model
Boston Legal
Doctor Who
Gilmore Girls
How I Met Your Mother
Ned's Declassified
School Survival Guide
Project Runway
Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG-1
The Office


Take a look. It's In a Book. Reading Rainbow.
Summer Reading Series
Dune by Frank Herbert:
I've enjoyed the Sci Fi Channel miniseries based on Herbert's novels for years ... but never actually read the books until now. I must say, I've missed out. So far (I'm only one book in) I'm enjoying the fantastic world of subterfuge that is Dune.
The language Herbert used took me a little while to get used to. He didn't write down to the reader - Herbert expects you to work for the story, just as the story works for you. I love that! A challenge to read?! Whaaaa?!? That's absurd in most publishing traditions, but I am wholly enjoying the experience.
I hope to enjoy other great stories this summer, while on hiatus from school - you should take the challenge. Read something a friends recommends to you - even if it is out of character of what you would normally read ... or if you don't normally read at all ... turn the freakin' TV off and give it a try!
In Defense of Magic
This is a topic that has made way for many a heated debate amongst followers of Christ - does Harry Potter (and any book involving "magic" as a plot device) promote witchcraft? Is "magic" evil?
My answer is what I like to categorize as "pro-imagination." Jesus told stories to teach. Human kind has told stories to pass along morals and history since the beginning of time. The idea of "fiction" often times gets mistranslated as "falsehood" and I think that this is a tragedy.
My parents read to me as a child. I watched way too much TV as well - but it was books that truly captured my imagination. I remember sitting in the family room as my dad read adventures of Tom Sawyer and Dahl's "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator." Those are still some of my favorites ...
In more recent years I developed a love of the Harry Potter books. This is almost heresy to some Christians ... and I think those folks probably take themselves way too seriously. I have discovered a delightful world to enjoy in those novels (and the movies are excellent too).
I'm tired of the wishy-washy support of politicized Christianity that can throw support to the "magic" written in the Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of The Rings (also incredible books) while passing over the ones that they simply dislike.
I think many times that pastors take advantage of their position of influence to lead people in the ways of their own convictions and guilt - rather than teaching people to seek the Holy Spirit on their own.
I think it is the height of conceit to decide that you alone understand what the Holy Spirit says. Having said that, I fully admit that for some, perhaps stories that use the plot device of magic might create some sort of temptation towards dark spirits (which I do agree are at work in this world).
But if everyone had to give up everything that might act as a temptation for someone else ... well who would live? A roller coaster might tempt someone into reckless driving - a trip to McDonald's might temp someone into gluttony - the list gets wilder and wilder.
So as for me and my family - we will serve the Lord ... and read whatever books we want.
The Seafort Saga
Every once in a while you find a series of books that make your imagination soar and find yourself skipping television and food while praying your bladder will hold until you reach the next chapter's end.
David Feintuch's Seafort Saga is a series that I am reading again right now for the 3rd or 4th time. I've lost count. The story of Nicholas Seafort is set in space, but reads more like a naval adventure.
When reading this series I find myself extremely grateful for my own safe life - this fiction is so desperately written that you fear for its characters and relate to their misery - forgetting that none of it is real.
Should you begin the series (Starting with "Midshipman's Hope") prepare for a financial investment because its hard to stop until you get to the end - the seventh book "Children of Hope."
I always hoped another chapter would be added to Seafort's saga, but David Feintuch passed away this past March. Still, for those of us who fall in love with Nicholas Seafort, it is never really over.
Ever wonder what the heck the eye and pyramid means on the back of a dollar? Well if you didn't see "National Treasure" then Dave Barry will help break it down for you - along with other useful tips on how to get wealthy by great methods of theft, bankrupcy, and ... did I say theft yet? This book is hilarious. I'm in the middle of it right now and I keep laughing out loud - waking Elena up at night. It's very funny ... and get this - it's actually dedicated to you! Seriously, you'll just have to pick it up to see what I mean.
"Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller is an awesome look into Western spirituality and what it is to be a Christ-follower inspite of dissapointing "Christian" politics. It is an honest look into one man's life as he fought against, accepted, and lives with Christ in his daily, flawed life. It is very beautiful - especially for Christian men. If you ever found yourself thinking "this is just not how it should be" then read this book.
While Dan Brown gets a lot of cred for "The DaVinci Code" I thought the prequel was better. "Angels & Demons" was more fun and a had a hint more fantasy to it...

My Blog


In just a few days, I'll be back in the 504 - that's the area code for New Orleans.  Those three numbers preceded my phone number for the best years of my life (so far) and I look forward to them...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:42:00 PST

Why Australians are lucky ...

"No worries."I love that phrase.  I admire those whose hearts are so light that they can say and mean that ... no worries.  That is why Australians are lucky.  They have a "no worries" ...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:25:00 PST

The Third

Today is my third anniversary.  For three years, Elena has been my wife.  For three years, I've been becoming a new person - a part of a three stranded chord that is stronger than I could ha...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:44:00 PST

the road home program

You might have noticed ... you might not have - but the last few blogs have all had the "Current Mood" setting set to "Anxious."  That was because Elena and I were pondering something that only a...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:37:00 PST

3 years and a go tart

I just finished eating a strawberry go-tart.  It's like a pop tart, but in stick form - so it's "good to go" ... It was tasty, but I prefer the textures of regular pop tarts over the convenience ...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:14:00 PST

scare prayer

I expect for people who don't spend time praying/conversing with God on a regular basis - that the times they do pray is either because they want something or because they are scared.  Even for f...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Mon, 14 May 2007 08:21:00 PST


For Mother's Day - Elena and I are taking my mom and dad to the Georgia Renaissance Fair(e).  If you've never been to a Renaissance Fair ... well you are missing out.  It's like a trip into ...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Sun, 13 May 2007 06:37:00 PST

Still Waters

I am hushed in anticipation of a marked occassion.I am dreaming of the answers and welcome of my life.I am overwhelmed with hope and fear that go hand in hand -When only a move of God can make a desir...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:43:00 PST

Tread Carefully

One of the things I did with some of my post-Katrina FEMA money was to buy a treadmill from Sears.  It is a good treadmill; not quite the beasts at a gym, but better than the cheapo ones.  I...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:19:00 PST

Four Scores in Seven Years

Well ... it is 2007.  I graduated high school in 2000.  Saturday I completed my 8th semester of college.  That's right ... four full years in just seven years!  I am amazing! ...
Posted by Josh and Elena on Mon, 07 May 2007 04:56:00 PST