Drew profile picture



About Me

What can I say? I work at OMHS as a network technician full time, then I also work as a Computer Tech at Staples Part time. I also Instruct Hancock County's highschool drumline. Either way, I am usually pretty darn busy. I also try to make time to have fun with friends. If you want to know more, just ask! And to save you time, yes i do love to gobble cock(as sloppy as nut sucking possible)

My Interests

I love to go out with friends, some of my fav. activities include riding my motorcycle, fourwheeler riding, going camping, fishing, anything outdoors. Also like to go on dates and such. I also like to socially drink.
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? water
Beverage (alc) ? bud light
Color ? blue
Food ? chicken
Item of clothing ? Jeans
Meal of the day ? Dinner
Feature on yourself ? heh...
Quality in a guy/girl ? all around package
Phrase ? I don't Care
Song ? Cannot pick out a favorite really...
Musical Artist/Band ? way toom any to list
Sport ? Football...Is gambling a sport?...haha
Movie ? Adam Sandler movies *most anyway
TV Show ? Family Guy
Radio Station ? 103.1, if it had a signal like 96.1....it's always staticy
Type of Chocolate ? none
Eye Color ? blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yep, my dog Paz
Smoke ? have, normally cigars though
Drink ? fuckin a
Have any piercings ? ears
Have any tatoos ? nope
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend wouldn't classify it as cheating
Gone streaking ? haha...not in public
Gone skinny dipping ? nope
Been to Europe ? nope
Been to an island ? yes
Had stitches ? yea, above my eye after someone jumped into it..lol
Broken any bones ? I got mad and broke my knuckles...pushed them back 2 inches...ouch
Been stabbed/shot ? can't say that I have
Slept until after 12:00 ? are you kidding me?
Stayed up all night ? like every weekend
Danced like a whore ? like or with...lol...like no, with yes
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? no
Turned down a dare ? several
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? no
Kiss someone of the same sex ? fuck no
Cheat on someone you love ? would it be love then?
Run away from home ? why...I live away from home
Lie to your parents ? I have, feel bad afterwards
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? only if it was to surprise later, never permantly
Lie to your best friend ? no
Give a homeless person money ? depends on the situation...I told this dumb nigger in Nashville to get a job
Run from the police ? lol...I have seen what happens when you do...but I have done this plenty of times on the bike...
Bungee jump ? hell yea...if only it was free
Sky dive ? hell yea...same as above
Cross dress ? if I could pass as a lady to get in a lockeroom or something...lol...actually NO
Be an exotic dancer ? no
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? haha...thats happened a couple of times
Scuba dive ? would love to
Go rock climbing ? fuck that bs
Go spulunking (caving) ? spulunking sounds like someone taking a shit doesnt it...lol maybe if I knew what caving was
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Wigger who needs to quit whining about his choices
Bologna ? wtf is in it?
Hott ? lol...what? maybe an oven...who? many..haha
Orange ? Wathen's damn truck
Real world ? I can not stand that damn show
Fuck ? yes please
Jack ? ing off...wtf is this...lol
Cucumber ? Matt's cucumberland truck
Hip-Hop ? gay
Uniform ? my dad
UniCORN ! ? omg thats fucking gay
Rainbow ? wow...i thought unicorn was gay...this is quantim entanglement
Clown ? now thats just freaking stupid...lol...actually, i use to work on this dude's computer and his wife was a clown...i would shoot myself..


I'd like to meet:

You know, I would like to meet a lot of people, like family that I never saw, past presidents, bam margera, the "real" peter griffin...lol. But I am gonna keep this short and sweet.


I have surprised myself lately, but I am pretty flexible with music. I guess it all depends on my mood. I really dislike pop and most (c)rap. There is a time and place for all music, and classical should NEVER be played in a car/truck.


I have many movies that I like, but Sin City is one of my current favs. I don't think that I liked when I saw it in the theater, but after watching it again I understood some things that I didn't before.


Some shows that I try to watch are Family Guy, the Sopranos, House, Eureeka, and the occasional Poker tourney.


Find Myspace Layouts at www.layoutvault.com
Find Myspace Graphics at www.glittervault.com


Well, I have a few heroes I would suppose, my main one is my Grandad. He gave me the knowledge that I still hold to do the things that any man should be able to do. He also believed and encouraged me. Another is my dad, though I may not act like it. I see more of him in myself every day, and that isn't such a bad thing.

My Blog

odd facts about me

DO YOU SNORE?:    Yea, I have sleep apniea (sp?)LOVER OR A FIGHTER?:   Depends on my mood.WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?:   I hate HATE spidersAS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO BUI...
Posted by Drew on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:44:00 PST

a-z about me BS

A - Available?: Depends on my mood...lol B - BEST FRIEND(S): Drahos, Matt, Jimmy, there are others C - CRUSH:of course...we all have one D- DEAD PET'S NAME??Max Million Burnett he was my bud... ...
Posted by Drew on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 09:53:00 PST