I was born into this world as a vegetarian in 1956.
My first gig was Hawkwind in 1972. It had a profound effect on me and started a life long quest for more and better musical highs. It was a hard act to follow, just have a listen to Space Ritual and you will hear what I mean. To me, each gig is a living entity. A congregation seeking communion with the source. Man, I don't half talk some shit. I retired on my 50th birthday. I can now concentrate on gigs full time. Not that I ever let work stop me getting to any important gigs. When a touring band need somewhere to stay, I try to make their night with me, the best night of their tour. It has been an honour for me to look afer these musicians: Lower Forty Eight; Capulet; Sincabeza; Volcano; Gatechien; Ned; Headcases; The Hub; Oso; Barzin; Micah Blue Smalldone; Chris Corsano; Noxagt; Neptune; UK Deathcharge; Noctophyle; The Low Lows; Ostinato; Thee More Shallows; The Chap; So So Modern; Cape of Good Hope; Noon Layer Drive; Andre Duracell; Massimo Pupillo(Zu); Jean-Herve Peron(Faust); Daniel Higgs; Chiara Giovando; Zombie Zombie; Blurt; Charlies Hero; Shutter; My Kappa Roots; Felix Kubin; Skeletons and the Kings of all Cities; Marvin; Anni rossi; Rollin hunt; James Pants; Indian Jewelry; The Week That Was; The Present; The Batfish Boys(1987). Growing in awareness every day. I try to improve the life of everyone I meet. Do as you would be done by. Still talking shit I see, but I can dream. I think most people feel better for having met me. Even if it is only because they are glad they're not me! Hey ho..