I am married living in Texas with my husband and our beautiful son. I feel so blessed by God that I was able to marry my best friend and what I consider my soul mate that makes me smile everyday.
I suppose I am getting a little cranky in my old age and have little patience for people. I guess it is because I have lived in to many places in a short amount of time. I am trying to overcome this weakness.
I have had a successful career so far and I took a sabitical this summer and fall to stay home with my son but that time is over now. I am back to work and back to the old grind.
I spend what very little extra time I have these days on a few of my favorite things. Remembering useless music, TV and movie trivia, reading and as usual....traveling back and forth to those many places I have lived and those that I have not.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!