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~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000000000000~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000000000000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cant swim, cant drive, cant sing---frustrations ;b~~~~tried stay late at night(oppss, til mornin..eyyy)---^o^(woohoohoo!!!)~~~~can dance, can paint and draw, can play chess--- :)~~~~craves for bugs bunny stuff toy, bugs bunny mug, bugs bunny shirt..anything as long as ders bugs bunny--- ^_~~~~~wants french fries evryday, fish/seafoods evry meal, chicken/pork/veges once in a while, text evry minute, call evryday/evrynight, belly dance/badminton/gym evry weekend--- n_n~~~~loves to read, listen to music, watch movies(especially cartoons..shhhhhh), stay n d 4 corners of my room nd sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep---(yehey!yehey!yehey!)~~~~crazy over books(novel)...grrrr..really crazy---:8~~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000000000000~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000000000000~~~~~~~~~~~~You scored as You are an Angel of Beauty. You are an Angle of Beauty. You seek all those things which are visually appealing as well as those that are beautiful on the inside!
You are half Fallen/ half Light Angel!
You are an innocent Angel
You are an Angel of Beauty
Angel of Light
You are an Angel of Pain
What kind of Angel are you??(PICS)
created with Layout made by fading away