I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy.
Plain ol' white people
Morrissey and the SmithsI don't really know how to feel about this:
Justin and I just saw Grindhouse and it was awesome...oh yeah, and D'Lucky Ones.
I'm a library nerd...anything and everything by Vonnegut and Donna Jo Napoli. I'm on a young adult fiction bender because current adult fiction is overhyped bullshit. The Da Vinci Code can bite my butt. I'd sooner poke my eyeball out with my own thumb than read anything with the words "first wives, ya-ya, hotflash, shopaholic, the Devil wears, flava" in it. Manga should be used as liner for litter boxes and bird cages, not reading material. That's just MY opinion, of course.
Donna Jo Napoli (I sat next to her at a library workshop and found out that she's pretty badass). KURT VONNEGUT and RALPH STEADMAN. My sister...she's pretty badass, too!