Any moving part on a car. I love to pretend I'm a mechanic. I like to break stuff when I am really really pissed. I like to sing in my car. Atreyu is at the top list for that activity. I hope nobody ever hears me though, actually I'm not that bad. As I said before, I like to ride my motorcycle. Trips to the city in the summer with my sister. I would have to say that school is my biggest interest. Thats my future we're talkin about. I enjoy reading Import Tuner mags or anything of that sort. I also like to ATTEMPT doing body work on cars. Its a damn good business, but being good at it is hard. I also like to play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2K7 (Playing Golf makes me feel Rich).
Jesus of Nazareth, All the members from AFI, my future wife, Anne Rice (Her novels kick ass). Juan Valdez (His coffee kicks ass). Osama Bin Laden (So I can fly a plane up his asshole). Last but not least Bill Gates, so I could rob his rich ass.
Atreyu, AFI, Thursday, From Autumn To Ashes, Poison The Well (the old stuff), Norma Jean, TBS, Motley Crue, Poison, 69 eyes, Deftones, Angels and Airwaves, Death Cab For Cutie, Lawrence Arms, Between The Burried and Me, Bleeding Through, Bullet for My Valentine, 30 Seconds to Mars, Still Remains, The Audition, Name Taken, The Used.
Casino (Anything with Robert Deniro), Rounders, Oceans 11 & 12, Four Brothers, The Breakfast Club, Heat (Two thumbs up from me), Donnie Darko (What up to the Darko Crew)
CSI Las Vegas (I learn stuff), Sex and the City (I learn lots of Stuff), Sports Center, The Weather Channel (I learn about rain and stuff), Last But Not Least THE SOPRANOS (I learn how to bury people fast and get away with it and stuff).
The Oedipus Cycle (Mythology Rocks), The Giver (6th grade reading level, but still good). The Life of David Gale. The Book Of Sorrows, All types of Poetry. Davinci Code, Angels and Demons {Dan Brown--Fuckin Smart}. I am actually writing my own book about my life right now. It will be complete April 2008 (Hopefully).
George Washington Carver (Inventing Peanut Butter, thank you) Bill Gates (internet, so I could do this stupid profile for people to read and judge me)The biggest Hero of all would have to be Jesus himself.