I strive to understand the basics facts about most topics, in order to conversate generally, but a few things i really take pleasure in are: researching domestic American architecture, reading beatnic literature, listeaning to jazz music, dancing in night clubs, walking around museums, smoking a black n/ mild while drinking a crown n coke, and critiquing things. All things that can be classified as nouns contain pluses and minuses, including all people, places and things. My philosophy gravitates towards the social darwinism of Ayn Rand's objectivism. I am a judger. Some things are better than others. I am a person who values aesthetics. I am lured by objects and ideas of good design. For example, teeth whiting gum is a good concept design. It whittens teeth while satisifing a need to chew. My work as a properties artisan for theatre; meaning i am versed in carpentry, welding, sewing, and flea market shopping, This reflects my desire for good aesthetics."The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who... burn, burn , burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles like soiders across the stars... "- Jack Kerouac.........
Nietzche and An intelligent guy that can hold my interest. A Renaissance individual that is captivated by a wide range of interests.For example a guy who can chat about current water treatment techniques just as easy as making note on cooking or post Cold War economics. A man who takes pride in his appearance. My personal hygiene habits are not always at their utmost, but please bath at least once a week and practice good oral hygiene. Consequently, personal appearance also refers to being fit. I take pleasure in Aerobics/Exercise, Biking, Extreme sports, Hiking, Inline skating, Running, Soccer/Football, Swimming, Walking, Weight training, Yoga, indoor rock climbing and horseback riding. The guy I date does not have to be a gym rat, but must be active. The gentleman must retain a concept of morality. I do not want a saint, because I am far from tending a high moral code myself, but I desire a spiritual guy that sees life humanistically, seeing that our lives are part of a greater cause..........
I like a good mystery/ suspense, an 80's flick, or classica silent films. I like to curl up and watch Hitchcock on a Friday night or watch a Chaplin film while doing homework..........
I rarely watch Tv. I do not get cable, but when I do watch TV I perfer programs on A and E, History Channel, PBS, or Turner Classics- Not to omit my affinity to BBC programs..........
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