Tall.Earthy.Hippie. profile picture


...cLoSe YouR eYes and SeE wHat yOu bEleivE....

About Me

"LiKe...PEACE MAN!!!" I am...the VERY…bohemian-folksy lady of your dreams…with hippie ideals…and Christian values…a contradictory character…that’s ever changing… ..
"But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." ~Psalms 37:11

~The Castle Klan...and all the reSt!~

***I'm Alanna...OR Laney (which ever one you prefer...is the one i prefer!!!)....I'm tall, brown, and handsome...and i always know how to have a good time!! I'm the funny one...I know I'm your hero...riiiighT***

"If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days."
~Sylvia Plath
~wise beyond her years or just plain crazy...we'll never know~

My Interests

Pain throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around…. No it won’t all go the way it should, but I know the heart of life is good!

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet YOU!!!...




...name one i haven't seen oR don't know about...just you try!...


Law and Order ~all day!! ,Heroes, CSI, The Simpsons....Haha so funny!! ...When there's time


THE BIBLE.... Pride and Prejudice, The Bell Jar, Ariel, anything by PLATH..., love Hemingway, Orwell -1984,Stephen King, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Emma (Miss Austen...whom i love for her literary genus!!), great author Sophie Kinsella, Wuthering Heights (pretty much anything by the Bronte sisters), Angel's Landing, Crime and Punishment, Hamlet...and anything by Nora Roberts (i can't help myself!~ for my romantic side)...i love to read!! as long as it's not a text book



My Blog

blaaaaaHHHh...just how i like it!

Bask your psyche in a smooth, rich aroma of life's delicate diversions& developed by the lead philosophizers of our lifetime!....how's about I share a glass with you~     i hate school....i...
Posted by Tall.Earthy.Hippie. on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:38:00 PST

no matter how you slice it cheese is still smelly

;) hahaha.....
Posted by Tall.Earthy.Hippie. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sooo........ bOrEd

 hmmm...... What to do, what to do...on a Tuesday afternoon.....
Posted by Tall.Earthy.Hippie. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST