Motorcycles, Smoking, Sex with each other, Faye's lips, Steve's tie, Dune Buggies, Hydroplaning, Jet setting, rugged individualism, being really good looking, being rediculously famous, acting quite well, making large sums of money, affairs, infernos, airplanes, haute couture, sunglasses, large-brimmed hats, being people's heroes, our shining blonde hair, being married to each other, great ecapes, networks, lung cancer, deep plane plastic surgery, bullitts, chinatown, seven magnificents, bonnie, clyde, movies in which we rob banks
We know everyone, except for you. Let's play chess sometime. img style="background:black" src=
Jazz- it's good during chess, suspense music isn't without it's charm, classical is classic- just like us...
The Thomas Crown Affair, The Towering Inferno- we like being onscreen together because...well...see for yourself...we're somewhat of a dynamic duo.
Only if you pay us a lot of money.
We're too busy with scripts.
Steve loves Faye and Faye loves Steve. We're our own heroes.