Almond profile picture


I heart breakfast.

About Me

I'm a sterotype. I'm a part of the Bush-bashing, soy-latte-drinking, Vegetarian, Prius-driving, Patriot-Act-opposing, evolution-believing, left-wing America.
Let us praise the noble turkey vulture: No one envies him; he harms nobody; and he contemplates our little world from a most serene and noble height. (Edward Abbey)

Myspace Comments

My Interests

Life ~ Art ~ Optimism ~ Birding ~ Nature ~ Camping ~ Backpacking ~ Hiking ~ Progression ~ Sitting on the Roof of my House ~ Road Trips with No Specific Destination ~ School ~ Ancestry ~ Fossils ~ Coffee ~ Books ~ Brew Pubs ~ Public Radio (I Radio Lab and Science Friday )

I'd like to meet:


Some Favorites: Kate Bush, The Cure, The Knife, Dead Can Dance, Elbow, Richard Swift, Tom Waits, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, Portishead, Trillian Green, Tricky, Snoop Dog, Outkast. I love that funky wah-wah sound that you sometimes hear in a lot of 70's music. And saxophones are groovy.


Annie Hall, Paper House

Waiting for Guffman, Immortal Beloved, The Secret of Roan Inish, A Young Poisoner's Handbook, Breaking the Waves, Marie Antoinette, Amadeus, Love & Death, Plague Dogs, Edward Scissorhands, Legend, Spinal Tap, Ed Wood


Desert Solitaire, A Sand County Almanac, Fire on the Mountain, Monkey Wrench Gang, Down the River, On the Road, Galapagos, The Plague Dogs, The Wood Wife, The Lord of the Rings, Poisonwood Bible, Harry Potter (I'm a dork and I'm not ashamed)


"Society is like a stew. If you don't keep it stirred up, you get a lot of scum on top."
'"Say what you like about my bloody murderous government," I says, "but don't insult me poor bleedin' country."'
"If America could be, once again, a nation of self-reliant farmers, craftsmen, hunters, ranchers, and artists, then the rich would have little power to dominate others. Neither to serve nor to rule: That was the American dream."
"You do your needed work out of love, the love that dares not speak its name, the love of spareness, beauty, open space, clear skies, and flowing streams, grizzly bear and mountain lion, wolf pack and twelve-pack, of wilderness and wanderlust and primal human freedom and so forth."
"When a dog howls at the moon, we call it religion. When he barks at strangers, we call it patriotism."
"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey (1927-1989)

My Blog

Oracle of Starbucks

What does your Starbucks order say about you? Behold the Oracle's wisdom: Personality type: Hippie In addition to being a hippie, you are a hypochondriac health nut. You secretly think that your insis...
Posted by Almond on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:08:00 PST

I ate my words this morning.

Just a few days ago, Keith was building a suet feeder with a tail prop* to encourage more woodpeckers at our backyard. He asked my opinion about how long he should make the tail prop, and I told him t...
Posted by Almond on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST

Help Save the Northern Spotted Owl!

Hi everyone! Here I go again; alerting friends and family of an issue that is important to me. Natalie once pointed out that I remind her of Lisa Simpson. I don't know if anyone has yet seen the Simp...
Posted by Almond on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:49:00 PST

I really do hate the Beach Boys

I'm taking a History of Rock & Roll class right now and I just tried to write a very simple review on a single Beach Boys song. I truly thought that my ears were going to explode. What I was ...
Posted by Almond on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 08:55:00 PST

Pirate Name

My pirate name is:         Mad Anne Flint    Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Like the rock flint, yo...
Posted by Almond on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:26:00 PST

Listen to Geeks in Action!

Here is a great program that I caught on NPR today about Birdathon participants in Michigan. At least I can laugh at myself. Day to Day, May 16, 2007 ยท This weekend, the 19th annual Southwest Michiga...
Posted by Almond on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:55:00 PST

The saga continues

Ah, yes, Lily's problems never go away. I was out of town for over a week last month and when I returned, Lily was peeing blood. Not a good sign. BACK to the vet we went. Another check of her creatini...
Posted by Almond on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:40:00 PST

Updated: Audubon Society of Portland - Birdathon 2007

I am participating in the Audubon Society of Portland's Birdathon this year. It's a fundraising event, much like a walk-a-thon, only instead of walking a certain number of miles, we explore several ar...
Posted by Almond on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:59:00 PST

Camping in the Rain

Hmmm..... Well... we're going camping anyway. Wish us luck!
Posted by Almond on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST

Trilliums and Owling

We spent all morning and early afternoon at Tryon Creek State Park today during the Trillium Festival. They were celebrating the Trilliums that are now in bloom. The park was just inundated with tall,...
Posted by Almond on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:04:00 PST