I was born in India and grew up in Texas. I learned about God in church, about fearing God from my parents, and about life at the Boy’s Club. I had an awesome childhood, and my youth was spent seeking and pleasing God. As an adult, I served in various pastoral roles including Youth/College Pastor in Texas and California, Campus Pastor at Christian universities in California and Alabama. Most recently, I served as the College and Singles Pastor at Germantown Baptist Church (GBC) near Memphis, TN.In June 2005, I left my staff position at GBC to follow a radical call to communicate biblical truths all across America. I love speaking in front of everyone: youth to senior adults. I think my messages have sound Biblical mooring, a timely sense of humor and a direct approach to the heart of each issue. My personal journey through pain allows me to connect with those who attempt to lean on God through their own troubled times. As the “Vagabond Warrior,†I travel and speaks at churches, schools, retreats and conferences across the USA.
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