♥IT'S BIANCA, BITCH♥ profile picture


I do it because i can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't.

About Me

HeY guYS iF u doN't KNow me I'm biancA and well U know me now..umm don'T reaLLy know wat to say but i LOve my girls and My BAby and i cldn't realLy ask For much more in LiFe except to b rich and just take each dAy as it coMeS and i sure wiLL!!! BuT if U wanna get to know me more [email protected] Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

My Interests

SpOrtS, FasHioN dESiGn and iNTeriOR decoratiNG..

I'd like to meet:

eVERy1 anD aNy1!!!!


r&b and HiP hOp!!!


DukEs Of hAZard, miSs conGEniaLiTy so manY jUSt cANt REmeMber em


HomE anD AwAY for SUre :P i LOvE iT


No Books juSt magAZines Thats wat iL stiCk 2


JohNny kNoxviLLE Chad micheal murray and paul walker mmmMMm :P no heroes YET