if you want to know anything about me that you don't see here just ask.... send me a message and i'll answer it...or on my AIM screen name....if you don't know it.....then just ask and maybe i'll give it to you....if you give me yours....=P
Who I'd Like to Meet:
i already met the people that i WANT and LOVE in my life...but it doesn't hurt to meet new people who love to just HANG OUT and HAVE FUN!!!....are you one of those people???
i like listening to mostly anything....im a lil HIP-HOP... R&B...ROCK....a lil ALTERNATIVE...and yes a lil COUNTRY....(hey, there are some artist who are NOT wonky-tonk country)....
no techno shit...not really into that type of music...
*most of the time...my profile songs are what i feel like listening to and what i feel at the moment....
i like GIRLY movies, COMEDIES, anything to do with MUSIC and DANCING, maybe something with SPORTS in it if its really good....every once in awhile i'll watch a scary movie....but i will never know what happened cuz i'll mostly keep my eyes closed....i really don't like scary movies....hehe!!
~ Peter Pan
~ A Walk to Remember
~ Anastacia..
~ FINDING NEMO!! (just keep swimming...just keep swimming)
~ HAPPY FEET!!! (well come along fluffy....*inside joke)
~ The Notebook
~ Wizard of OZ
ummm.....i think that's all for now.....
ONE TREE HILL, BABY!!!!...lolz...i love that show....CHARMED....i know that the show is over but i still love watching it on TNT....i like those reality shows on VH1....they're kinda funny....most of the time if you ever go to my house and turn on my TV its usually on the DISNEY CHANNEL...i love watching cartoons....im such a kid at heart....if i could i would LOVE to live in the DISNEY CASTLE in any country...lolz.....
i like books that interest my mind....i like ROMANCE and MYSTERY books.....i also like reading those books that were turned into a MOVIES.....i like to know what was really happening in the whole story....
*- my MOM:
she has given me so much, dealt with a great deal with me....and even through all the hard work and stress she goes through....she's still a strong and independent woman.......I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!
even though we fight i know that she loves and cares for me as her own....and i always know that whenever i need her for anything she will always be there for me.....
*- ROXY:
she's the best "sister" a person can ever have....and i will always be there for you even when you piss me off and annoy the shit out of me....but hey what are sisters for....=P
through thick and thin i know this girl will always have my back through anything....and keep me grounded, even when i think like a lil girl and it makes me do stupid shit....my bestest friend and my sister for life.....
*- CHRISTINE(stine):
although she's moved to vegas (stupid bitch =P )....i miss her terribly....and i love her like a sister....i can call her whenever and talk about anything like she's still here.....i love listening to her advise and remarks about shit....haha....she always keeps my head up when i talk to her....
*-my close GIRLS/GUYS
(there are WAY too many to name):
the reason why i think of them as one of my heroes is that no matter what, they always know how to look at the positive side of things....they have helped me along the way when i needed them the most and are always there when i needed a shoulder to cry on...or when i needed to go out to the clubs, pool hall, or where ever just so that i could keep my mind off all the stupid bullshit that i had to go through in my life ....and for that im truly grateful that ALL of THEM are in my life....LOVE YA!!!!
*- my FAMILY:
i love them every second of my life....they are truly my one true love and my everything....and i am so glad that they are in my life to love me.....they are the people that help me get through my day and my life....THANKS for keeping me STRONG-WILLED and OPEN-MINDED about every challenge and obstacle that comes my way.....they are the only ones that keep me moving forward in my life....LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!