I'm a guitar player with shitty ((but loud)) equipment who likes to party with uncool people like myself. Live for the euphoric gems within the shit; "Die doing stuff, or die not doing stuff". Creativity and volume in music inspires me, horrible diet feeds me, great times in bands in vans remind me that this life is worth the wait.RIFFLY ENDEVORS INCLUDE:
((THORLOCK)) 2007-present
Cropdusters 2007-present
Pizzasaurus Rex 2004-2007
Rock Solid 2003-2007
Dirty 30's 2005-2006
Deathwish 2001-2003
Suburban Flu 2000-2001
Squadcar 1999-2005
Counter Example 1998-1999
Mantra 1996-1998
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
My Blog
Current "In-head Mix to drown out work"
These tunes currently help me see the bigger picture while I hear brain dead robots dicuss the economy. Spagett!
"Try A Little Tenderness"-Otis Redding
"Lift High the Mighty Throne"-Lords
"Musta Got L... Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:47:00 GMT
I keeps it real
(Blogging is weird. Like just any random string of letters suddenly becomes a validated quote or something. I wish I was that witty or educated)
J. SCHIWITZ PHASE 3.5 as follows: Still working a... Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:05:00 GMT