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About Me

I like adventure, hanging out with friends, Traveling anywhere anytime. Atv's,jetski,boat,flying u name it I already did it. If not I'll try it. I live in baldwin. I've been riding and racing thoroughbreds since high school. Its more of a hobbie than a job. I also own a trucking company, its better to travel and get payed! REHOBOTH BEACH 2006 Get Your Own! | View Slideshow" border="0"/> Get Your Own! | View Slideshow animal layout @ HOT MyHotComments

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You are chestnut! You are a true beaut! you are truthful, sweet, and sometimes unpredictable!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Peaple who are more like me, who likes putting others before themself. That know how to make there own future. And don't ask me to do shit for them!!

My Blog


I look at my life today. Thinking. Wondering, what could I be. What if I choose door #2. When I was in high school I started looking at kids doing drugs having babys, and just screwing there life up b...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 21:37:00 GMT