Well, I studied theater and music and I love literature. I guess I really enjoy creativitly in any form. I am mildly political, very liberal, a bit opionated. I attempt to remain open minded and I love comedy. I am an incurable cynic. I love living in the city, but I need to see the wild every now and again. I try to party like a rock star, but I can never seem to consume enough booze without passing out. A goal to reach I guess. I try not to live a boring life and am always ready for a suggestion on how to have some unique forms of fun.
friends, lovers, circus freaks, intersteller beings, anyone in an honest to god funk band, and the socially abnormal, you know interesting people. Especially if those interesting people are female and scantilly clad, I love them.
anything you can shake your booty to.
Love 'em. The more hilarious the better.
Cartoons may be mankind's greatest gift to itself.
short words LOTS of Pictures....
The Late Great Dr. Hunter Stockton Thompson, Groucho Marx, Bill Hicks, Ben Franklin, Bootsy Collins, and Spider Jerusalem.