*Katie* profile picture


"The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello,goodbye" Jimi Hen

About Me

Hey I'm Katie...I am going to Calhoun until the fall then I am going to Athens State to become a 4th grade teacher!My first year of college I lived in Auburn and went to Southern Unuion...I Love my friends...Family...twin brother even though I have to wonder sometimes if he was dropped on the head as a child...my Matt who makes me laughh at EVERYTHING...choclate milk,SKITTLES,any sour cany,Crunchy Shrimp Rolls,California Rolls,Shogun,Chineese,Mexican,I LOVE LOVE ITALLIAN,Thia food,man I am hungry...I love ice cold Dr. Pepper...Dr.Pepper floats are a family tradition...I love the river and ocean....Zeppelin is the best band ever and if you beg to differ you better watch out!Janis Joplin was the shit....The Beatles changed music forever!My three top places I want to visit are Spain, Ireland, and Alaska! I hate...liars,SLOW DAMN DRIVERS,people who pull out in front of me...people who wake up every morning hyper and peppy...thats just abnormal...tomatoes.onions,nail filers,having to wake up early,math,boring people...well I guess that is all your booty needs to know! Get Your Own Myspace Layouts @ MyspaceLayouts.cc !

My Interests

Sleeping...Music...Matt...Friends...Good Food....Family...Kah's!

I'd like to meet:

My Opa,Jim Morrison,Kelly Rippa,Audrey Hepburn,Janis Joplin,John Lennon,I'd like to see my Pappa Jack again...


Zeppelin,The Doors,The Who,Jimi Hendrix,Nirvana,Janis Joplin,Smashing Pumpkins,The Beatles,Bush,Beck,Radiohead,Audioslave,Velvet REvolver,STP,Incubus,Red HOt Chili Peppers,A Perfect Circle, Kings of Leon,Neil Young,Lou Reed,Johnny Cash,Third Eye Blind,Blind Melon,Cake,George Strait,The Stones,Tom Petty...anything except most country,rap,christian,pop,and I HATE...I MEAN HATE Daughtry..I don't know why but they make my skin crawl!
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The Blair Witch Project,The Gonnies,The Orphanage,Joe Dirt,The Doors,Blow,Where the Heart Is,The Graduate,Apocolypse Now,Boogie Nights,Wonderland,American History X,Helter Skelter,Whatever Happened to Baby Jane,Old School,The Notebook,Lifetime movies,Nitemare Before Christmas,Breakfast at Tiffanys,Roman Holiday,Sabrina, Romeo and Juliet the one that has Claire danes in it, Hostel, Lords of Dogtown, A Christmas Story...pretty much anything scary or funny!


Family Guy,Everybody Love's Raymond,CSN news,American Justice,Cold Case Files,City Confidential,Everyday Itallian,One Tree Hill,Man vs. Wild,That 70's show, The Wonder Years,It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia,Reno 911...


Vogue! All of my school books....


Definateley my Pappa Jack...He taught me more about life than anyone ever has,had,or will! I just hope one day I can be half the person he was!

My Blog

Bored Crazy!

..TR> ..TR> Name: Grace Kathryn Anderson (Katie) Birthday: August 9,1987 Birthplace: Huntsville Ala!General Current Location: Elkmont Eye Color: Blueish Grayish Hair Color: Dark Brown Height: 5-...
Posted by *Katie* on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:47:00 PST

I Wonder!

Do you ever wonder how things would be in the past,present, and in the future if the people you loved,who have passed away were still here? I think about it alot.Selling my Nana and Pappa Jack’s...
Posted by *Katie* on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:14:00 PST