Silly singing judo girl profile picture

Silly singing judo girl

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My Blog:'s a video I made on circumcision.This is my favorite version of Mozart's "The Queen of the Night" aria- "Der Holle Rache". Here, it is sung in French by an 8-year-old boy. (It was written for a woman, but when you hear it you'll see why it is very difficult for adults to sing!)And for contrast, here is one reason you really shouldn't tackle this aria without knowing what you're doing!Ok- just one more to show why just because you THINK you are good, doesn't mean you are! (I think the conductor was trying not to roll his eyes!)

My Interests

Circumcision , plastic surgery, gender issues, singing, judo, choral music, writing, reading, "preemie" issues.

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Choral music- particularly that with lots of parts like Bach- and with GOOD choirs like King's College Choir . Like a lot of what's on the radio now, too. My sister writes stuff that I like a lot of too. She and her husband are called "Double Helix". Its kind of religious techno music.


"Kiss Me Guido" ; "Office Space" ; "The Birdcage" ; "The Red Balloon" ; "The Chorus" ; Any Margaret Cho concert ; "What Dreams May Come" ; "Waking Ned Devine" ;


Also have recently gotten into "Will and Grace" - have decided to use xmas money from my dad to get the DVDs."Are You Being Served?" and "Are You Being Served Again?"


"A Feast of Snakes" by Harry Crews; "Having Our Say" by the Delaney Sisters; Any book by Bradley Trevor Grieve ; "All Creatures Great and Small" series by James Harriot; "Moreschi: The Last Castrato" by Nicholas Clapton; "Cry to Heaven" by Anne Rice; "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and its all small stuff)" by Richard Carlson; What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision by Paul M. Fleiss, M.D. & Frederick Hodges, D.Phil;