The 411 on Me Bryan
Let me just make this perfectly clear. Fuck You. Anyway . Moving On.... For those who believe they will know me AfTeR this paragraph, stop HERE because you wont. continue on ... // Bryan Is the name // Yes I Am a Snob. Because well i'm Better Then You. lets Go On .... [ 23 years old and loving it. ] MY FRIENDS Are my LiFe. they are the second most important thing to me if we go down, we go down together
. . read on . . Im GAY . // Dont LiKe iT? thats YOUR problem. // Originally From Lawernce now located in Methuen aka the Meth-Town.. nothing But Drama If you wanna stalk me, be my guest guaranteed you'll be shot with a .45. plz believe.
im not you're average guy, because i know im not liike any other person. I say all the things most people are thinking that would NEVER say because truth is I - just - dont - care. ask anyone i know.
Don't let ANYONE make you feel outdone because they have more 'myspace friends' than you. If they rub it in, I'm sorry but they obviously have no life. haha..... iM honest. brutally so. espically if i need to be. you may not want to hear it but too bad. I am probably one of the most down to earth people you will ever meet, but that depends on the place and time at hand. i'm also very blunt i don't take shit from anybody. I'll tell you how it is whether you wanna hear it or not. Don't get me wrong. i'm a nice guy. but if you're acting stupid.. i'll be the first one to tell you.
But anyways pretty much i feel how everyone else feels. I know what it's like to fear. I know what it's like to be sad. I know what it's like to smile until your cheeks hurt. I know what it's like to laugh until your stomach hurts. I know how it is to look in the mirror and Say "
I know the feeling of when you wish you were 7 years old again, when you could trust everyone, and you didn't have to hide or keep anything from people.
moving on SomE FaCTS
001. I don't pretend to like things, especially people, if I don't like you, you'll know.
.002. I'm blunt & I won't lie to make you feel better.
003. Break my heart and I'll break yours into just a thousand more pieces in the end. (Scorpio Baby)
004. I make mistakes I am only human
005. don't judge me because you don't know me.
006. I listen to All Types of music.
007. My Screen name is ColideWitMe..
008. My Boyfriend Todd Buendia is my world. And he amazing* Love you
009. Im probly never serious about things so if you cant take a joke Then go kill yaself.
01O. Jenna my Best Friend i can see us being friends for ever...
011. DONT stab me in the back. Trust is hard to earn back once its broken.
012. if you try to fuck me over or play me check yourself, I have probably already fucked you over or played you 10-fold by then. TRUSTT ...I'm good at the game...
ANYWAYSS You need to be able to laugh. And being nice . Because NO matter how badass you are, you need to be able to put that shit aside when you're talking to me. I'm not going to hurt you .... much =)
My dis-likes are people who think thay are better than me HA . There's always someone who won't find you totally attractive.or like you... But honestly Cockiness isn't a trait you're born with, so please get over yourself. I am very open minded and will listen to whatever you have to say, as long as you have an ounce of knowledge in your head, because if you don't youll be wasting your time.
[ dum things people do ] - you'll be wasting your time if you fall into a category below; -
1.people who try too hard. people who try to look Sexy, a LaCoste polo ISNT gonna make your ugly face any better.
2. People who are nothinq but liars. people who talk shiit. Grow up =)
3. People who are annoying.
4. Cheatinq & condescendinq atittudes. Get me mad and ill just fuckin punch you in the head
5. People who think there somthing but really are Nothing.
I'm not On here 2 b friend accepted by 5000 ppl or LiiKeD By everyone. thats your choice. Not Mine. im just on here Because well Everyone knows Myspace is the Kool thing to do.... : JK : If You Really Find Me The Kind Of Person You Could SeE Yourself chillin With Or Just Like My Attitude Then Feel Free To hit me up im really nice kid... maybe you can be one of my friends...
Ps: It aint cocky if its TRUE...