I'm a pretty odd guy, at least this is what countless freinds, aquaintences and random strangers on the street tell me. I'm mostly here because I have an insatiable need to socialize, yet I rarely send messages. Which is a fine example of my rather contrarian personality. I'm not looking for the love of my life online (though I wouldn't poke it with a sharp stick if said boy/girl happend to find me), and am mostly using MySpace to goof off, something I've nearly whittled down to an art form. I'm and Anarchist that hates Nihilists, an omnivor that loves vegetarian cooking, a punk who sings folk-gospel in the shower, gay enough give my girlfreinds make-overs and straight enough to get turned on by the results, an incessant flirt that can't get a date, a teller of outrageous stories that feels embarrassed as they leave my lips, an intelectual who hates academia, a pragmatic radical and a radical romantic, a wannabe novelist who can't finish a short story, a jack of all trades and master on none, a musician with no time to practise, a craftsman with no tools and a tool with no craft. I'm also insufferably glib, an aging punk (young at heart...like two...) really into cooking (which I am suprising good at), fashion (where I am handicapped by my fear of needles), and folk-fusion music (which I would love to get around to playing one of these days). Secretly, I think I might be a reincarnation of a Badger (inside joke) and in whatever small spare time I have, I like to dress up in a pleather jumpsuit and leap cat-like from rooftop to rooftop battling evil supervillians. 'Nuff said.
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