I ' m H a n i s a h ; N a e s h a.
I ' m S I X T E E N N i n ' 0 8.
1. My name is (the rainbowfied letters up here HARHAR)
2. Goes to smksusu HAHA - schl is a true stresshininiguns!
3. I'm sixteen by age but older by look :O
not good, NOT good..
4. I'm still searching for who I am and what I want to be. Sumhow, my sister is my idol (tell me that's corny but whatever haha).
5. I am NOOO sixfeet skinny legs-flat abs-clear skinned-pointy nose-straight and silky haired chick :)) (don't call me a chick la ok :P) I've an athletic body, which explains no matter how much I work out, I will NEVER look like a fricking Violin hahaha
for further whatever :)
* Current Inspiration *
*Designer: MARC JACOBS*
Who I'd Like To Meet again and AGAIN is,
* DINosaur, Nadia, Ifan La Mada
and definitely Nik Mohd. Aiman too! (kick me right up the arse now would you?) HAHAHAH
*I want to meet again my International AGOAL pals desparately :'( Ana Maria Conde!, Ivan Hosve Montes, Francis Mejia Conde. MANUEL especially, nyummy! Fly me to Mexico, pls.
I will make today the day,
tell success i'm on my wayyyy!
- FIN -