My main interest i guess is to just have fun live my life to the fullest i can, experiene everything, keep a smile on my face. Keeping my freinds happy, and keeping Tom happy!
Anyone with a good spirit, Anyone with who loves to laugh, Anyone with a smile on their face. Come try me.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
You gotta love abit of everything, love my oldskool, breakbeats, drum n base, jungle, psy goa trance, alittle bit of pop music for the cheese nights haha, music is my life!!
More Funny Myspace CommentsTHE GOONIES,Human traffic, i love forest gump, Dnt be a menace, Willy wonka and the chocolate factory, Happy Gilmore actaully anythign with adam sandler in it, austin powers, football factory, green street, the labrinth, The green mile, How high,trianspotting, fear and loathing in las vegas, braveheart, the descent, the hills have eyes, hostel etc etc
yes i own my own television.
I may look like a dipshit but i can read. Harry Potter all the way!!!!
My FRieNdS, FaMiLy,oThEr PaRtY GoErS the usual shyte....