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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

OK, we've teamed up with our neighbor Duane Fernandez of Left Field Project to provide you with an AWESOME scavenger hunt this summer! If you've always wanted a piece of our jewelry and are in the mood to race for it, now is your chance!
1. Fernandez will be hiding 23 wooden jewelry boxes around the world in the next three months.
2. Each wooden jewelry box is hand painted by Fernandez and will feature a portrait of an American icon.
3. Each box will contain a handmade bracelet/cuff made specifically for this project by Spexton jewelers.
4. Each box will be individually numbered.
5. Each box will contain a questionnaire. Fernandez will ask each person that finds a box to take part in a random and unique experience. Left Field Project will publish the experience in a limited edition magazine this fall.
6. Each box will have a personal message for the lucky individual who happens to track it down.
7. The boxes will be randomly hidden in public spaces around the world. After the art has been placed, Fernandez will publish a clue to the whereabouts of the box via twitter: [link] Additional clues will be added every hour for three hours and will include photos.
8. The first individual to collect five boxes will receive: [1] A hand-painted portrait by Duane Fernandez. [2] Seven awesome beer koozies. [3] Two handwritten letters and a birthday card. [4] A coloring book and a box of crayons - the really awesome box of crayons with 64 colors and a built in sharpener. [5] A $100 gift card to McDonald's - we recommend the breakfast sandwiches - yum. [6] Two-year subscription to Fast Company magazine. [7] Two-year subscription to ID magazine. [8] 50 issue subscription to Business Week magazine [9] Two-year subscription to Complex magazine. [10] Two-year subscription to Glamour magazine. [11] Two-year subscription to Vogue magazine. We love magazines and we think everyone should have more print in their lives. [12] A picture of Fernandez's dogs. [13] 3 Left Field Project t-shirts. [14] A box of records. [15] $250 gift card to [16] 2 year subscription to Modernism magazine. [17] 10 issues to Dwell Magazine. [18] One-year subscription to Giant Robot magazine. We really love magazines. [19] $250 gift card to Spexton. [20] A pair of really neat socks. [21] A real mix tape. [22] A board game of Fernandez's choice. [23] A journal or diary, depending on your perception of the feminine/masculine nature of the words describing a book in which to write your thoughts.
9. The purpose of this project is to have fun, be creative and find art. The random nature of the project will unite a group of people from around the world who otherwise would never have met. Hopefully this project will remind people to go out and seek things for the love of randomness. Life is far too short, everyone should enjoy a scavenger hunt around the world every once in a while. People are encourage to be resourceful and work with their friends across multiple platforms. Individuals can work with their peers in other cities, states and countries to hunt down these pieces. It should prove to be an interesting experiment.
10. Finally, not all of the details of this project can be disclosed at this time, but allow us to say this: It's very interactive. In many ways. As each box is found there are new aspects of the project that will unfold.

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