i dont remember much from my early childhood i recall that i enrolled into soldier at age 12 i later found out i was kidnapped from wutai from my father who taught me the samurai arts i excelled at it this caught the eye of Shinra Inc. well shortly after i joined sephiroth took an interest in me he takes me under his wing starts teaching me 6 years after training with sephiroth he died i left and tried disappearing but hojo found me and experimented on me in hopes of making another sephiroth he kept talking bout another one before me that didnt take to the treatment year later sephiroth came back and took over all of hojos experiments and tried to destroy the world i would have died helping him if it wasnt for cloud and tifa shortly after their final battle i went up to one of the mako reactors i rebuilt one to my modifications i made it so it would replay all of the bad things i did while i was under his control i made the seal to open up in 15 years i woke up to a strange man standing over my pod he had an unearthly feel to him come to find out he came through a thing called a shift gate yet didnt remember how he and i went to midgar and met up with cloud he trained us for awhile until we one night we all got drunk and dared him to show us omni-slash and we learned it and could do it better then him he got overly pist at us and started training us harder then we ever got trained before but we didnt back down from the training until one day he took us up to the Nibelbeim reactor locked Xavier in it and started pumping him full mako to much for him to take yet he wouldnt let him out cloud turned around and left us there to fight for ourselves i got X out of the reactor and he was driven mad by the mako we fought i dont remember to much of the battle but when i awoke he was gone and i had a wound made it surprisingly back to sector 7 and tifa found me healed me left the scar there to always to remember X but i fell in love with yuffie proposed she said no and left me i went into a major depression tifa was there to pull me out and save my life once again we started talking and one thing led to another me and her fell in love one day i came to 7th heaven to find X is back and he needs my help so i leave with him and promise tifa i will return for her
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
i have already met the love of my life but i would love to be friends with everyoneComment or I'll kick your ass...