About Me
Noir Amador is a hermit who keeps to himself and lives in the woods awaiting the apocolypse. He hates small children, Kool-Aid, comic books, markers, artwerk, hotels, Q-tips, your mom for giving birth to you, he hates you as well, he hates toes, toenails, monkeys, childrens books, stand up comedians, condoms, Jell-O, Bill Cosby, Dave Iseri, the Sacramento Kings, neck ties, pulling out, Jesus, prismacolors, live journals, fotography, country music, toy soldiers, DVDs, calendars, throwing dough, spanish, backpacks, AOL instant messanger, living in the woods all by himself, camping, taking a shit in a public place, brushing teeth, acrilyic paint, fingernails, Adidas, motels, holdiay inn, fucking friends, eighties music, smoking, emo kids, shirts that are too small, fat men, fat women, tighty whiteys, coudoroy pants, that " bye bye, american pie" song that lasts too long, floor mats, George W. Bush, girl drinks, scissors, yellow no. five, stickers, Kinkos, sunglasses, screen printed mini comics with shitty interiors, and writing bios.