Music, dancing, socialising/drinking, playing in the band, driving, being with friends, single ladies, lol.
if it were possible Freddie Mercury as he was the best singer/frontman ever to walk this earth, and johnny depp cause he possibly one of the worlds greatest actors.
anything i can dance to, this could range from greenday, fall out boy, queen, to 60's and 70's to the all time classic like Y.M.C.A and including dance music like come with me. so basically im ecclectic :) lol
depends on my mood. normally give me a good comedy anyday however if the mood calls for it a nice romantic is a good ticket and on the other hand a good old lad film with guns, violence, drugs and explosions is superb!!
dont have time
the lord of the rings trilogy/quadrilogy, the redwall series by brian jacques, the alex rider series by anthony horowitz, the belgarion/mallorean series by david eddings also by the same author the sparhawk series. so basically science fantasy. however more recently, thanks to a friends grandma, crime/detective novels by ian rankin are a very nice break from my norm. lol
My friends, they inspire me to greater heights each and everyday, i love you all