My left and right hand. Watching Pol's circling a square room looking for the corner, spanking my cat with rubber air conditioner retardent. Pissing off my roof onto the heads of innocent bystanders, and tryin to find jigga's hiding in the realm of darkness
this Question sucks reptile anal for me and heres why:Kurt Cobain: dead Layne Staley: dead Chris Farley: dead Phil Hartman: dead Owen Hart: dead Bret Hart : dead (well not literally)I'm stuck with Amy Poehler and Ratchel Dratch, owell i guess.
Self Help. Easy 1-2-3 You Pop It We Pull It Vol. 1,2, and 7. Christian Folklore meets the wrath of Lucifer Vol.2 (first one sucks). Baha Men, and Aqua
Midnight Justice 2- Coming Home Too Soon. Moon Rapper with Ben Affleck, Gigli (Italiano Version 2). Roots, the whole god dam collection
Shit Talk on Public Access, its where people battle it out, yelling, gun fighting, sword fighting, arguing over whos there mothers aunt all while taking a massive Kingdome Come, Unlike anything on earth, out of this dimension Shit. U should check it out its great, check your local listings.
Dirt Money- lots of black people killin each other , doing drugs, making more black people, shooting guns, using thier unearthly language, great great book, NY Times bestseller.
Chicken lettuce and tomatoes, turkey, BLT. R. Kelly